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Ben Kenobi was sitting at his kitchen table drinking coffee when Rey came scrambling into the house. He stood up concerned. She was dripping wet and wrapped in sea kelp, her hair a tangled mess. She looked a mess and he could sense her feelings of anger and terror.


She looked at him, with a disgusted and disappointed look before she ran from the room up the stairs. The door to her room slammed shut.

Kenobi rubbed his temples contemplating what he needed to do. She knew at least some of the truth, how much he wasn't sure. Kylo had discovered her it would be only a matter of time.

He made his way quietly up the stairs to Rey's door. He placed his ear to the door and listened. All he could hear was the sound of the shower from her connected bathroom. He sighed and locked the door. Keeping her here would be the best thing he could do for now. SHe would not understand until he could take her to Luke and he wouldn't be able to take her for another month, until the next full moon. For now all he could do is try to protect her.


Rey scrubbed furiously at her skin under the spray of the shower. She tore the kelp from her body and pulled at her salt tangled hair.

Nothing made any sense. She was a mermaid. A mermaid princess to be more exact. Uncle Ben was probably not her family. He definitely was lying to her. Everyone had been lying to her. Was Kylo lying to her? Even if he was telling her to the truth what did that mean? Who was she? What was she? Why had she been sent away? If she was a princess then why was she sent away to be an orphan in that horrible place?

The weight of her mind pushed Rey to the floor of her shower. She sat there beneath the spray as the water went from hot to cold. As it cooled, Rey found she actually now preferred the cold water. Rey turned her face into the spray reveling in the feel of the water on her face. Already she could feel a strange emptiness, a longing for the ocean. Rey flexed her toes and rubbed her legs. A new ache had settled in her bones. Her throat too felt rough and her lungs burned faintly with each breath.

She doesn't know how long she had been in the shower, but eventually she decides she should go to bed. Her body was exhausted. She dragged herself from the shower, pulled on a large tshirt, and collapsed into her bed.

Her sleep was deep but her dreams were disturbing. Images of dark deep water, lit by red underwater volcanoes. Bubbles of toxic gas erupted around her. If she came to close the bubbling water would scorch her hands or tail. She looked frantically around, searching for someone to help her.

A dark gravely voice came to her, "Reeeeyy. REEeeeyy," it called. The voice made her stomach grow cold with fear. She swam, trying to distance herself from the voice, but it followed her. "Rey," it said clearly. "You can not escape me Rey"

The voice chased her deeper into the volcanic region. The deeper she went the louder it became, and the more intense the scalding water. Her skin was turning red and blisters appearing.

"Embrace the pain. It is strength," encouraged the voice. Rey closed her eyes and covered her ears, trying to block out the voice. The water around her was too hot.

"REY!" A new voice was calling. "REY!" A voice she knew. She opened her eyes, dropping her hands she searched for him. She squinted, and she could see him. The large dark figure of Kylo, calling to her. The scalding water was all around her. She was stuck. Kylo came closer to her calling for her to come to him.

"I can't!" she screamed. The water would burn her if she moved. He came closer to her. She could see him more clearly.

"Rey you have to move." His face looked so calm and reassuring. All that was between them was the wall of toxic bubbles and boiling hot water. "You have to come to me," he said.

Hesitantly Rey reached toward Kylo. The water burned her skin as she reached for him but she didn't stop. She pressed through the pain to reach him. As soon as her hand touched his, he pulled her forward through the boiling wall of water.

Rey sat up in her bed, drenched in sweat. She panted for air, but each breath burned. Her skin was dry and itchy. The dark voice echoed in the back of her head. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, and her throat was dry.

She stood to go downstairs, but the door was locked. Anger flared, sending rushes of heat down her body. She pulled at the door forcefully. It shook on the hinges, the wood creaked and the metal screeched but the door did not give. A glance out her window showed Uncle Ben's car to be gone. So he left her alone locked in her room.

Rey pulled and beat at the door, her frustration and anger growing. "FUcking NERF HERdER!" Heat was rising in her body. Her skin was tingling like electricity as her frustration grew. She hit the door again, and let a loud shrill scream.

The windows shattered. The scream seemed to reverberate off every surface of the room. Rey fell back to the floor from the force of her scream.


Kylo recognized the shrill sound the second it hit his ears. The call of a siren. But this was not any siren, she was powerful. And she was Rey. The sound was angry and afraid. A call for help. How she accessed the sort of power to call to him, Kylo did not know. She probably didn't even understand what she did.

He swam from his cave towards shore as fast his tail would allow him. He did not know if she was in danger, but he had to get to her. It took him only a few moments to reach the sandy beach and transform. As he stood his legs wobbled slightly. It had been many months since he had last taken human form. He took careful steps until he felt himself regaining his balance and could move faster.

As Kylo approached the house he could see that all of the windows were shattered. He had to step carefully to not cut himself on the glass littering the ground. Without the glass barriers he was able to enter the house through the back door. He stood in the strange human space, looking around for Rey.

Kylo couldn't see her, but her thoughts were coming to him loudly. Feelings of fear, and anger. Her thoughts were not coherent, just pure emotion. He followed the pull of her thoughts, and the pull of her siren call which he could still feel in the back of his head. He moved uncertainty upwards on the stairs. As he got closer to one of the upper doors, he began to hear her sobs.

He pressed his ear to the door and could feel the call humming in his body. She was there. He was close.

"Rey," he said, his voice raspy from breathing the air. The crying from the other side of the door stopped.

"Kylo?" He could hear scuffling around on the other side of the door. The door creaked and the magic within him hummed, feeling the proximity of the powerful siren. "I can't get out," she said quietly. "He locked me in."

"Move back," he said. He listened for her to do as he said before standing back to look at the door.

Kylo placed his hands on the door and focused on the wood. He brought to mind every sunken ship he had encountered. The way the wood was rotten and soft. The wood beneath his fingers began to weaken. He pulled back from the door and saw that it had bent to the will of the tides. It looked as though it had been underwater for years. With one hard pull he was able to pull the decomposing wood from the hinges and toss it to the floor.

There she was. Sitting on the bed looking at him with frightened eyes. He knew she could feel the power coming from him, just as he could feel the power coming from her. He approached where she sat and kneeled before her, bringing himself to be eye level with her.

"Don't be afraid," he whispered to her. He tucked her hair behind her ear, bringing his hand down to cup her face, his thumb rubbing the tears from her cheeks. "I feel it too."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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