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His body was surprisingly warm against hers as she embraced him. He had saved her life without even really knowing her. She could feel the ridges of the muscles of his chest pressed against her own.
Once they came apart she was blushing. Only now that she had calmed down was she truly able to take in the man she was with. His raven hair was thick and long as it floated around his head like some dark halo, and his body was pale from the lack of sun exposure, but was especially strong and toned. And his eyes, they drew her in, their darkness was not at all frightening or cold but they saw into her soul. His lips curled into a mischievous smirk, a look that suited him.
"Thank you," he said, smirking. Her eyes grew big and her blush intensified. He was hearing all her thoughts.
"You will learn to control it eventually." his voice was full of amusement.
"What now." she asked him. She looked down at her body, taking in the long and powerful tail that was were her legs had once been. Nothing could be the same, could she ever change back or was she stuck like this?
Kylo's smirk turned to a frown.
"Yes it is possible to change back but it will take great concentration and discipline to do so. And every moment you remain in that horrid form you will hear the ocean's call."
Horrid form? She did not know anything else but to be human. She had only ever lived as human. And how could she change back, did she want to change back? What would happen to her uncle? If she was stuck here he'd become worried about her, think she had gone missing.
"He's not your family," Kylo stated flatly.
"Maybe not but he's all I have," said Rey.
"Either he's a random human who took you in or an active person in keeping you from who you really are. Either way you are not human and are not meant to be on land. You are mer."
She turned away from him. He was quickly losing his charm left from saving her. None of this made sense. According to her uncle she was his blood, but if he was her uncle why did it take them so many years to find him and put them together? Why did Ben Kenobi not reach out until she was an adult?
"Kenobi?" asked Kylo.
"Stop that! And yes why?"
"That's not possible. He's supposed to be dead."
"What are you talking about?"
"That hafling died almost twenty years ago. And he most certainly is not your kin," said Kylo
"Hafling? What are you talking about?"
"You've been lied to Rey. Lied to for your whole life. There is nothing waiting for you on the land but more lies."
"Would you stop saying that. You don't know anything about me, you don't know who I am where I have come from or what i have lived through. Don't think because you did whatever it is you've done to me that you know anything." She pushed him away and dove beneath him. With a couple hard kicks she put considerable distance between them. He wasn't following.

Kylo balled his fists against his face. Now he'd done it. This is why he preferred his isolation, easier not to screw up relationships when you didn't have any to worry about, but he could not let this one go. She would not get away from him that easily. She doesn't have a clue about this world. She will need him whether she likes it or not.
She thought about kenobi, but he was supposed to be dead? She said he was her uncle, but he didn't raise her. The bastard left her in the hands of humans, didn't even have the decency to raise her himself. He would be a problem if Kylo was to try and keep Rey. But Kenobi would not have destined a mer with no significance to live a disgraceful life on land. No she was important. She was significant somehow, this beautiful mer raised by humans in the desert.
There could be only one answer, she was indeed the princess. Kenobi was said to have died only a few weeks before her birth and was close to the royals of Endor. It must have been a plan to hide her away, but why? They had hidden her, to protect her? To end their agreement with Naboo? To hide her from him? To hide from him the bride that he and his kingdom had been promised?
His kingdom had fallen when he was young. If they had had the alliance of Endor that would have been secured by the eventual marriage that might not have been the case. That hid her, hid the one he was meant to marry and nullified their alliance, letting his kingdom come to ruin and to be taken over by Snoke. Made him a Prince in exile.
Why? What did they fear? And why did he feel a pull to her? Even now as she runs from him, as she hides, he feels drawn to her. He needs her for some reason. Needs to know her, needs to know what was taken, needs to know what he's found.

Secret tails and eclipses (reylo)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu