Chapter 24: Another Fucking Crime Scene

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"This is what you guys missed while you were gone," Chris tells us and drops a tablet with case files on Dad's desk. "Two more murders and there's been another. I'm heading over there now. Meet you three there." Chris walks away before Dad can say anything.

"Great." He mutters. "Another fucking crime scene."

"Not even a day after we get back and we already have to deal with another murder." I groan.

"Mine as well get it over with," Dad says as he gets up.

"We can go over the case files on the other two murders in the car," Connor says, getting up as well and grabbing the tablet.

I nod. "Sounds good."

The three of us walk out of the precinct and to Dad's car. I sit in the middle of the backseat so I can peek over Connor's shoulder to look at the case files. Dad starts the car and we're off to the crime scene.

"It looks like the murders we're just like the other ones. Victims are androids, they were torn apart by hand, and their right eyes were taken out with a knife after they were shut down." Connor says, reading the files as he scrolls through.

"How the fuck do they rip them apart by hand?" Dad asks.

"Beats me," I mumble with a shrug.

"If you bend the limbs the right way they can break just as easily as a human's and then our killer can rip the limbs off from there," Connor says, not looking at us and still at the tablet in his hands.

"Shit. That sounds painful." Dad mumbles.

"Yeah..." Connor trails off. I can see that he's troubled by this.

"So there's no evidence linking us to our killer?" I ask.

"No. And the victim's family and friends all say that they had no enemies and everyone loved them."

I groan. "What the hell."

"What if it's not someone they knew?" Dad suggests.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"If the victims were loved by their family and friends and nobody has a clue on who could have done it, what if it was someone they didn't know. Someone who just despises androids."

Connor looks over at Dad. "That could be a possibility, but that just makes this case even more complicated than it was before."

"Is there anything else that the file says?" I ask Connor.

He looks back down at the tablet and shakes his head. "Besides the fact that our killer hid the victim's heads in different spots then no."

Dad's eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "What do you mean the killer hid the heads in different spots?"

"Well our first victim, Linda Martin, her head was found in the bedroom according to Gavin. Our other two victim's heads weren't found in the bedroom. Elaine Walker, our second victim, her head was found on the kitchen counter and then Christian Flores' head was found in the bathroom."

"So our killer likes to play hide and seek with the victim's heads." I deadpan.

"That's fucking sick!" Dad exclaims.

"This is just a game to them," I mutter. "We're dealing with a serial killer now."

"We could be dealing with a psychopath. Someone who fits in society better and can lead a semblance of a normal life." Dad says with a shrug.

"Possibly. But we can't really know without proper evidence." Connor says.

It becomes silent between the three of us. Neither of us saying a word until Dad finally pulls up to the crime scene. Once at the crime scene we all get out and head inside, pushing through the crowd of people and reporters.

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