Chapter 9: In Session

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  Class 1A were invited back to school for an optional training session for the upcoming sports festival. Everyone attended.

  Izuku stood at the front of the class nervously, Key in hand.

  Aizawa was the one doing the talking.

  "You will be doing special training, individually or together, depending on how you have been assessed. Midoriya, using an aspect of his quirk, will open a gate similar to the one at the USJ. You will go through and be able to fight enemies as strong as you are, to fully understand your own abilities. Any questions?"

  Most of the class put their hands up.

  "No, Midoriya was not the one to open the gate at the USJ."

  Most hands were lowered.


  "Is it safe?"

  "Yes, Midoriya will help you should things get out of hand. Kaminari."

  "What will we be fighting?"

  "Monsters. Feel free to go all out on them, as they intend to kill humanity. Iida."

  "Will we be supervised??"

  "By Midoriya, yes. He's been doing this since he was 10. Half the teachers working together took down a B rank gate with ease, and no injuries. You will not be doing a gate that high."

  Iida nodded, sitting back down.

  "Midoriya. You're in charge now."

  Izuku grinned.

  "Alright. Let's go to a SS- area to show you what that's like!"

  Izuku opened the portal, stepping through.

  When the other students hesitantly followed, Izuku was clad in his Monarch armour, his troops slaughtering the dragons that approached him.

  "These guys are some of the strongest enemies I've ever faced!" He informed them.

  *Shadow Monarch Armour has Leveled up!*

  Izuku returned 100 of his infantry to his shadow, motioning for everyone to return to the classroom. Once everyone left he turned to the piles of dragon corpses.


  Izuku grinned as his new dragon army battled the living dragons behind him.

  Izuku entered the classroom and closed the portal.

  "Hagakure, Koda. You will be practicing against Bush Ents. They can't really hurt you, but their weakness is a knot of magical energy on their back. You'll need to be stealthy to reach it, or use the animals."

  The invisible girl seemed to nod, and Izuku sent 5 soldiers into her shadow.

  The animal loving boy nodded, recieving 5 shadows too.

  "They will defend you if something happens. Be careful!"

  The two stepped through the portal.

  "Mineta, Aoyama. You guys will be fighting Minor Rock Talus'. They're slow, but are hard to stop or destroy. Do your best!"

  Izuku did this for every student, sending them either solo or in groups to their different zones.

  "Bakugo. I'm sending you to hell to fight your own kind."

  Izuku gave him five shadows and punted him through the portal.

  "Do you want to come fight some dragons with me Mr Aizawa?" Izuku asked, re opening the SS- class portal.

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