Chapter 4: Monarch of Shadow

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  *Quest complete!*
  *You have received the following rewards*

  *Side quest: Appearance befitting a Ruler.*

  *20 stat points!*

  *Main quest: Becoming a hero.*

  Izuku gazed at the disk, barely acknowledging the system screen.

  *Congratulations My Lord.*

  Izuku smiled gleefully.

  "Thank you Igris. Now, let's see about this side quest..."

  *Appearance befitting a Ruler.*

  *You were accepted into UA, the hero school. Now, you will need a costume for your journey. Collect the items needed to create your armour and costume, as the lord of your army.*

  *Items collected: 8/10*

  *Items needed*

  *Shadow steel armour (5 pieces)*

  *Draconic scales*

  *Crown of shadows*

  *Ruler's robe*

  *Tears of the dead*

  *Rune: Aura of despair*

  Izuku stared at the ingredients.

  "I have the shadow steel armour.. I have mountains of draconic scales from the dungeons... I think I've got a ruler's robe... I have the aura of despair rune too.. it was a crafting item, so I never used it.."

  Izuku sighed.

  "How do I get the shadow crown and the tears of the dead?"

  Igris pulled himself from Izuku's shadow, punching his own gut.

  Igris spluttered, and he caught the single tear that flew from his helmeted face.

  Igris kneeled, holding his finger out.

  *My Lord.*

  Izuku deadpanned.

  "Thanks.. Igris.."

  *Tears of the dead acquired!*

  *Quest Item acquired: Necromancy Key.*

  Izuku selected the new item, reading the description.

  "Necromancy king..? Ahh, the shadow crown."

  Izuku stood from his desk, leaning out of his door.

  "I've got to step out for a bit, I need to take a necromancer king's crown!"

  "Alright Izuku, make sure you don't take too long, we're going out tomorrow shopping for UA!"

  Izuku used the key, opening the portal and stepping through.

  In all honesty, Izuku was disappointed.

  The necromancer before him was pretty weak, and his strongest undead were weaker than Izuku's weakest.

  Izuku punched the skeleton, knocking the dark crown from his head.

  *Shadow crown acquired!*

  Izuku stepped back into his bedroom.

  "I'm home! I got everything I needed for my hero costume!" He called.

  Inko was smiling when Izuku came through.

  "Excellent, can I see what you look like?" She asked.

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