Chapter 3

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Once I was home after that awkward conversation with Mr.Grant I notice that Lily my roommate wasn't home.

I dropped my bad and keys on the counter and went to the cabinets to get something to eat. Struggling to make a decided I grabbed  the box of Mac and Cheese. Once it was cool I walked over to the couch and turned on the tv to catch up on a few shows that I had missed.
I kept losing focus of my show because of the yellow envelope sat on the end of the coffee table. Putting the bowl down on the coffee table I grabbed the yellow envelope and open it .

I skimmed through the contract. I noticed a lot of rules that went into seeing mr. Grant. Geez controlling much. I understood why he gave me the nda. I notice the last part.
A new contract will be generated once the signatory agrees to continue with the creator.

I didn't know why mr grant would need me to sign new contract it didn't make sense. I took a picture of the rules and agreements and signed my name.

I heard the front door open and saw my roommate Lily as I stuffed the yellow envelope and locked it shut.

"Hey." she said and look a my bowl. An excited smile appeared on her face. "Ooo, MAC AND CHEESE!" She said as she ran to the couch and took the bowl from my hand and plopped on the couch.

"Hey that's mine! Get your own!" I said trying to grab the bowl back and she held it for her dear life.

"Get your own!" She said as she try swat my hands away.

"But that is mine!" I whined.

"Not anymore." She laughed and I struggled to get my Mac and Cheese.

"Fine!" I got up from the couch and got another bowl. When I sat down she grabbed my bowl out of my hands and replaced it with my old bowl. I Gave her a weird look.

"What?" Lily asked as she put a spoonful of Mac and Cheese in her mouth.

"What's wrong with that bowl?"
I said pointing to her bowl.

"I don't know where your dirty little mouth has been."

"It hasn't been anywhere."

"I know you little virgin." She said as she pinched my checks.

"At least I'm not a dirty little slut." As I meantioned her one night stand. We always tease each other about our sex life mine non exciting one and her that has many boys.

"Hey! That was one time! One!"

"Sureee it was." We both laughed

Lily and I have been best friends since elementary school. When she was attending collage I was trying to save up. I had 11,000 saved and I needed 10,000 more, but with living on my own and paying half the rent it was harder to save.
"What's this?" She said holding up the contract. Fuck.

"U-uh it's nothing." I stuttered. How could I be so stupid.
"It doesn't look like nothing." she said reading it. I ran towards her tackling her on the ground and snatched the contract out of her hands.
"Wow who ever knew you were kinky." She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows

"I'm not! I'm holding it for a friend."

"If it isn't for you then why you getting all defensive and shit."

"Im not!" I whined.

"So who's the guy." I might as well just tell her. If I don't then she will just keep bugging me about it. I also wanted someone to talk about this with.

"His name is Jason. He kinda my boss." Her face grew with shock.

"Your boss! Is he hot? I thought he was some old guy." I laughed.

"Yeah he's hot and your taking about Chris the manager."

"Is he just hot or like supermodel hot."

"He's like supermodel hot." I smiled and strayed to picture how his muscles stood in his V-neck .

"Does he have a brother?" Of course she would ask that.

"I don't know?"

"So are you going to do it. Are you gonna sign it." She asked as we sat back down on the cough.
Should I sign it?
"I'm not sure, it's only a nda he asked me out this Friday." Lily gasp.

"Girl shut up! You got a date. And with a owner of restaurant! If  you don't I will. He is sugar daddy material!" I rolled my eyes I was not going to see him only for his money.

"He gave the night to think about it." I looked at the time to see that it was 12:30.

"I'm gonna head off to bed."

"Alright. Night, don't let the cockroaches bite." I shivered when she said that hoping to god I never saw one.

I went up the stairs and took a quick hot shower and went to bed.

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