Chapter 36- Long Talks & Bad Memories

Start from the beginning

That's when the room starts to get smaller and she jumps up from her spot across from where he sat in the desk chair and rushes out of the room. "Amanda," he calls but she just shakes her head as she rushes into the kitchen. It's like everything hits her at once. Suddenly she 17 again telling her best friend that she loves him as he looks at her with pain and guilt as he tells her he was using her. Then she's 19, over the moon for Evan. She remembers the day he died so clearly that as she leans over the sink trying to catch her breath, she slips into the memory.

~7 Years Ago~

Amanda had been with Tyler, Evan's brother for 5 hours. She loved Tyler because he was like the brother she never got to have. Where Sean and Aaron resented Amanda for her achievements, Tyler couldn't have been more proud from the moment Evan introduced the two. He would always joke how he couldn't believe his brother landed such a babe when he was hideous, something made even funnier by the fact that Tyler was gay. If people didn't know better they would think that in every conversation between the future siblings-in-law, Tyler was flirting with her.

Another thing she loved about Tyler was the fact that he was so....different. He wasn't what people think of when they think of a gay person, the stereotypical Cam from Modern Family type, he was basically a straight guy that wasn't into girls. He flirted and seemed to hit on them and he lived for football, although it was Texas, and he did everything that every other guy liked to do just at the end of the day, when it came to who he was taking home with him, it was always another guy. That's why Amanda loved him because it wasn't that he was like that because he was scared of people knowing he was gay, that was just his personality and she found it fascinating.

But no matter how much of a guy he was, when it came to wedding planning, he was just as in as her. The second it was brought up, his whole personality went out the window and he became a thirteen-year-old girl planning her dream wedding as he tried to push it onto Amy. This is why it had taken them 5 hours to determine the venue for the wedding. Amanda wasn't a big wedding person but she loved Evan and he wanted to get married so she had agreed which is why she was allowing Tyler to take the reigns except he was worse than any bridezilla you'd ever seen. He wanted everything to be perfect and then when he got what he had asked for he would decide he didn't like it and they'd have to begin again.

Amanda was so excited to tell Evan they had found one that she had called his name the second she walked through the door. "Evan!" She waited but there was no reply, which was weird since his car was in the driveway. "Evan, babe?!" She began walking through the house. She checked all of the downstairs before moving upstairs. She checked their bedroom first, which is when she noticed the door of the ensuite. Maybe he was in the shower and didn't hear me yell, she tries to tell herself as she moves closer and opens it.

The minute it's open, she rushes to him and pulls out her phone. She dials 911 and checks for a pulse. He's cold but that fact doesn't seem to register as she begins chest compressions. She explains everything to the operator and a few minutes later the paramedics arrive. They do their best but the fact of the matter is that he was gone long before Amanda had gotten home. As that fact begins to sink in, breathing seems to get harder and soon she gasping for breath as tears run down her face.

She can hear the paramedics calling her name but then it hits her that they didn't know her name and then she's no longer in their house in Texas but back in her apartment. "Amanda!" Spencer's yelling in worry. "I need you to breathe with me, okay? In and out, can you do that?" She does her best and slowly begins to calm down as she breaths with him before her breathing returns to normal. "I didn't mean to give you a panic attack," he says sheepishly and she sighs, shaking her head.

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