A Wingless Bird

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Two days had passed since the war declaration and I was sitting in the class again muting the world around me. No one seemed to care that I was looking outside the window while the lecture was still going on. Well, they certainly won't question the person who was responsible for the victory of Class D and someone who scored a perfect score in the toughest mathematics test they had faced until now.

I sighed, I had tried to investigate who sent that video clip and more importantly how did they even find something like this. This wasn't possible. Because I don't think there is anything in this world which can escape my keen eye.

But if this was leaked to the outside world then there must have been outrage on this topic. I might have been considered evil by the society. But I believe most of them must have thought this to be scripted and another video supposed to be some kind of promo for the movie.

Which leads to another question. Would such mindset be accepted in society? I highly doubt so. If they find how much strength I have they would all label me as an evil person to stop me from going forward in this society. Because they would most likely conceive me as a threat. A person like me would most likely be branded as a sociopath. If I were too be asked in which category do I find myself then my answer would be simple.

I'm just Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Yes, I'm just an ordinary high schooler. Why should I be worried about what the society conceives of me, because in the end I would only feel uncomfortable at the thought of being labeled by the society when all I want is to be a normal human. The same doesn't hold true for any other normal human because they need to be careful about what society thinks of them.

Do you know why there is a difference between me and them,

Because they are free, allowed to dream about what they want to be. Unlike me they have someone to live for, someone to protect.

But me on the other hand. I just see my future bound by shackles stopping me from leaping into this beautiful world. I have no dreams just a desire which continues to burn like the feathers of a newborn phoenix, A desire to find someone for whom I can live for. To free myself from the shackles I've been put in.

But sadly, that desire to fly like a free bird can't be fulfilled.

Because my wings were severed the day I was born into this world.


After the classes ended, I made my way to the rooftop to meet with a certain someone. I reached the said place and on my way I caught some nasty glares directed on me by some class D people. I internally sighed. Another label put on me. A label of traitor. First it was a monster now a traitor.

Can't someone call me as a 'friend'. Ayanokoji group were never my friends, acquaintances are what I would call them. Because I don't think they would want to be friends with me when they come to know who exactly I am.

I just want someone to understand me. Someone to accept me for who I am. But sadly, none of them could understand me. That day when I met Ayanokoji group, no one tried to understand why I did this. Why I was like this. I could notice some anger in their eyes. They weren't understanding me. They just wanted to protect the comfort zone they had found when we were together. And about Airi, I just wanted to free her because the sole reason she fell in love with me was because I helped her. I didn't want her to regret her decision later. Why do I even care about them?

It seems changing classes has really changed me a bit. I still don't feel anything about Airi but still I want to protect her from me.

I found myself in the front of person I was supposed to meet.

Chabashira Sae.

A teacher who at first looks like a beautiful bachelor who is a first-rate teacher by her professional look and posture.

But appearances can be deceptive.

"Oh, you actually came Ayanokoji."

"Did you have something to tell me Chabashira Sensei."

"Not even want to see your old teacher huh." She chuckled, allowing a sorrowful voice to enter my ears.

I just kept quiet looking with indifference at the scene.

"Sensei I need to leave, if you don't want anything to do with me then can I leave?"

Sensei stopped chuckling and looked at a nearby pot.

"I...I just want to apologize. "She said some really shocking words.

I kept quiet waiting for her to continue, finding some interest in this trivial situation.

"I told you my story right. Our class was so close to win. But because of one mistake we lost the battle. A regret I carry with me even till this day. Then after that day, I selfishly returned back to this school just to move on from that regret. To graduate from Class A as a teacher if not as student."

I continued to listen thinking about her words. Does she still feel that it was her mistake that her class lost?

She continued with a sorrowful look finding its place on her face.

"But after I returned to this school to clear that regret, I just ended up making many more of them. I've been in this school for 7 years; those were the seven biggest years I ever regretted. Each year being in the same place among the crowd lablelled as the homeroom teacher of Class D. It was as if a label of Class D was put on me. But on my eight year I finally saw hope. A hope in form of you."

I looked on as she continued telling her tale.

"When the chairman first called me to talk about you, I couldn't believe if a person like you really exists. He kept the details of your past vague and told me that you were grown in a special environment. And when I saw you manipulating your scores in the entrance exams, I began to keep an eye on you. For the entire first month my sore focus was you and you indeed proved yourself."

She paused a second as her features darkened. "So, I decided to use you as my ticket of finally clearing of all those regrets rotting on me. To finally move on and smile genuinely seeing my Class graduate as Class A. So, I made use of you father to make you co-operate. Sorry for that. It seems I was never supposed to be move on from those regrets.So I've decided."

She looked at me with a sad smile and said,

"I'll be leaving this school next year."

A gentle breeze blew and I could hear the chirpings of birds.

"I can't bear seeing those brats leaving these school with a feeling of regret. That Horikita's sharp tongue. Those jokes of Ike. All those girls running after Hirata. I don't want to see them fall in despair."

I looked at her. Her face was peaceful. She had confessed her true thoughts about the class to me. She really cared about the class.

I sighed and turned away,

Before I was about to leave, I said showing my back to her, "Thanks for teaching me Chabashira Sensei. I will miss having you around."

With those words I left the room eating away one of many her regrets.

Third person POV

Chabashira sensei looked at the leaving figure of Ayanokoji with a smile on her face. At least she cleared one of her regrets. Now she was free to leave. Leave behind all these memories and began a new life.

She remembered the entire class D and sighed.

"Thank you for being my students. I don't regret having you all in my class. "She said to herself.


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