Sakura Airi's Confession

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Ayanokoji POV

I left horikita in her room and started to make my way to the pallet.I had recieved a message from Haruka Hasebe to meet her there.This might be the hardest moment for the group.

I sighed,if I had stayed in Class D they would have expected more from me.And I have no interest in the Class Competition.So the best choice was to change the Class.This would give me more freedom.And currently I need that freedom.

I made my way to the pallet and there I saw two people there.Akito and Haruka.Both had a betrayed look on there face.

I made my way to the table and sat down.

Haruka tried to look happy as usual,"Hello kiyopon~,How is your new Class?"

I said,"It's fine,just not as fun as ours."

Haruka chuckled silently.

"Kiyopon don't lie to us.Class A must be much more interesting than us right?"

Haruka's tone was heavy.I could see that she was holding back her tears.Akito was quiet all this time.

I sighed and said,"Haruka what's the matter."

Haruka looked down.I saw tears down her eyes,She looked at me and snapped,"Why Kiyotaka?I can't defend you from Keisei's comments.I can't spend time with Airi.You destroyed everything Kiyotaka.But it doesn't matter right.Because we are just your pawns not friends.And now you tossed us aside."

With that she got up and left,tears streaming down her face.

Looking at her reaction,I knew, something bad has happened.

I looked at Akito.He was looking down.When he saw me looking at him he sighed.

"Ayanokoji Group is no more."

So this was the issue.Honestly speaking I had expected this.Keisei was too much of a serious person.He didn't tell his secrets so how could he expect others would tell him?

But it's also true I would never would have told my secrets irrespective of any relation I'm with them.

I sighed and decided to apologise for a reason I don't know.I mean it wasn't my mistake they broke the group.

"I'm sorry, I never thought things would escalate this much.But I didn't have a choice.They would have soon casted me out from the class.And I wouldn't want that."

Akito just sighed and said,"I don't know whether you consider us as friends or not,but please be gentle with Airi.She loves you you know."

I sighed.I already knew,but I can't date her.Now that we were in different classes I don't see our relationship as a possibility.

"I know,but I can't be gentle with this,you know right."

Akito looked down and clenched his fists,"Ayanokoji,I really thought of you as a friend."

With those words he left me alone.

I pondered over his words.


But Akito, I've never once thought about how you or Haruka will feel when I would change the class.

Because in the end,I don't care what happens to the Ayanokoji group.

I just care about me and Nothing else.

Third Person POV

Sakura Airi was walking towards the back of gym.Ayanokoji was waiting there.

Sakura had made her mind,she was going to confess to Ayanokoji kun.She knew she would probably going to be rejected.But she had to do it.Even if the truth hurts her she has to face it.

Classroom Of The Elite:Cruel TruthWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt