The Princess And Her Prince

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A day has passed since I rejected Airi.The Airi I saw yesterday was different. She looked much determined than her usual shy self. If I was told to put it in proper words then she had gotten stronger since I changed the class. Did I have this much impact on their lives? I've always wanted to be ordinary since I started this school. And I thought that I was indeed invisible. Just a blank page in the other person's life. But I was wrong. I had become someone important.

Is this how Elder Horikita felt when he left the school. To be remembered by them even if you leave them. Even now every second and third year knows the name of Horikita Manabu. No one has forgotten him. It appears to be similar case with me. I have left class D.

No, I have disappeared from there lives. I really want nothing to do with them, in other words I really don't care about them. I do care about Kei but others are just what they should be. They are just means of victory for me.

Bur then why do I still care for them. Even if its barely noticeable, I did enjoy my time in the Ayanokoji group. The three idiots were fun to be with.

When I entered this school, I had no reason to help this class. Then why did I help this class?

Just why?

I sighed. I had gotten too involved with their lives. I should have just left them be.

I was broken from my thoughts when I heard the sound of cane. Standing in front of me with a cane in her hand was Sakayanagi Arisu.

Besides her was a girl with purple hair staring at me intensely. No more like glaring at me. Why did she hate me? It's not like I have done anything to her.

I sighed. "Hello Sakayanagi and Kamuro. Good morning."

Sakayanagi took a seat next to my desk. I pray for the person whose bench was being occupied by her. Who knows what she might be thinking? I won't be surprised if she decided to expel the person who tenanted the bench. She might expel the person just for the reason of the bench being dirty for her liking.

"Ayanokoji Kun you are quite early today."

It was true. I was earlier than usual. No, I was almost half an hour earlier than my usual time. Why, I Guess?

"yeah, it looks like it"

"So then, what are you planning now. I won't complain if you wish to do nothing. I'm enough on my own to crush Class C and Class D. Ryūen might pose some problems considering you've made him quite strong but apart from that. No one has a chance of defeating this class."

"So, it seems. My interference would depend on how things progress next exam" I replied. Of course, I'm not going to lay low the whole time.

Kamuro was looking at our conversation with interest. She too was not aware of my connection with Sakayanagi the various deals which took place behind the scenes. But she can't complain simply because she has no right to. She is just a chess piece for Sakayanagi, no aslave would be a better word. Because she doesn't seem to have a will of her own. If I was in her place then I would have destroyed Sakayanagi a long time ago. But she seems to have accepted her fate.

Sakayanagi had trained her pawns well.

Our conversation was interrupted by a blond.

"Yo how is the royalty doing this fine morning."


It was Masayoshi Hashimoto.

More than anyone in this school year. He wanted to graduate from class A. His determination and will was even stronger than Horikita. Because he was willing to betray his own class if it meant he could graduate from class A.

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