"Oh..-oh okay you look so young and he's so..."

"Humorless.. I know he's not always like that trust me. When he's around Addy he's different. He's like the sun that shines on a summer day with her. He just doesn't like to show emotion I guess you can say." She says looking at a picture with Sebastian, Tristan and her.

"H..how old is he?"

"He's twenty-two." I blink at her answer.

"He seems older." I say glancing back at Thalia and Addy.

"He's been through a lot."


As the sun settled over the pines I called Laura, she had practically blew my ear off as soon as I told her it was me and that I should've notified her sooner that I was out of town..which I wasn't. I lied to her, I didn't know what to say they had no idea about this different world that they lived in and I didn't want to mix them up in anything that would bring them harm. It had been five days since I last seen them and they were both trying to see Thalia. I didn't know what to tell them when I got back considering I had to tell them some what of the truth since the apartment was almost cleaned out, partially.

I was in the kitchen cooking up a storm or should I say baking up a storm. Thalia was sleeping upstairs in her baby room her little snores could barely be heard from downstairs as I threw some more cookie dough that I found in Sebastian's overly stuffed freezer onto the baking pan. It wasn't till eleven that I heard the front door open and revealed Sebastian all hot and sweaty with his pants dirty.

"Hey it's so late what are you doing up and ...baking?" He ask as he picks up a chocolate chip cookie from the plate.

"I was waiting...and... I don't know honestly. I've been stuck in the house all day and it's a little overwhelming not in a bad way I just don't want to be kept in our home all day. Plus, I talked to Laura and I think I should move back for a little but just so she doesn't get suspicious ya know?" I say waving my hands up frustratingly. It's silent for a while and I don't know if I said something that offended him but then I look up and his expression doesn't seem pissed off. I stand there fidgeting with my fingers and peeling the nail polish off my nails nervously.

"I...-I did, I say something Sebastian? I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it probably just slipped but I need to do something other then just sit around al-"


"Huh..? What..-what are yo-"

"You said our home." He says his eyes finally reaching my gaze as he steps forward towards me leaving boot marks on the floor.

"Out of everything that's all you heard me say..?"

"You don't have to stay here all day I'm not forcing you. You're the Luna, my Luna and you do what you think is best I'm not trying to hold you back. So by all means do what you wish. This is our pack. But about the Laura and Conrad thing we'll figure it out." His green eyes are like the green pine trees that grow outside the windows as they shine when the sun hits them. It's hard to not notice the sweat on the back of his neck and his strong arms covered with tiny dirt stains as his veins slightly pop out of his skin.

It's silent again..but not awkward. it's enough to feel the tension in the air. My body is fuzzy as he comes closer in my direction. I didn't realize we were close until my back is pressed against the little counter space between the fridge and the stove. It was already hot in the kitchen due to the oven but his presence made it feel like we were in an oven. Our bodies were already warm but as we grew closer the body heat became too much.

His fingers glide down towards my hips and there they rest. My body stiffens at his touch. It had been so long since I felt this way. My body wasn't opposed to the idea but I still had scars that filled my mind mentally. I was insecure about the rest that covered my body. Goosebumps arose upon his tanned sweaty skin as he nuzzles his face in my shoulder. I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't stop this because it felt right. Our bodies were molded to one another.

Meant for each-other.

His hands cup the back of my thighs and slowly lifts me onto the small spaced counter and sets his hand on my thigh as he itches his way to my waist where he gets a hold on my shirt and lifts it slightly so the pad of his thumb swirls circles around my hip. I jump slightly at the shock that travels through that little spot. My body stays tense because of his touch.

I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't recognize the feeling. In this moment I didn't care. I left myself open to him as I leaned my head back to give him more room to kiss and roam my neck.

There was a big beep that came from the oven and I jump from the small space where I'm sitting and I pull back and try to get off the counter space but Sebastian laughs and pulls me in for a peck on the cheek before he lets me down from the counter top. I wobble in my step, a little dazed from the sensual feeling that I haven't felt in so long.

"You okay there Bella..?" He smirks his eyes gleaming.

"Yeah, just a little....heated." I didn't know what else to say. I could speak no other words as this encounter played over and over in my head. I go for a cloth to pull out the pan in the oven. I put the hot pan on the stove and reach for a spatula to put the cookies on the plate. I turn back around to Sebastian leaning back on the counter calm and collected like nothing happened a few seconds ago.

His pants were dirty. And the dirt patches on his skin were slowly rubbing off from our scene. "Did you go roll around in dirt or something..? Because I thought you just stayed in your office all day with papers stacked sky high.."

"Their was a rogue on the outskirts of the territory he wasn't close but just slightly so the trackers could smell him. We ran him off as far as we could and I had left my clothes by some dirt under a tree."

I tense at the word rogue and try not to think about it much or jump to conclusions as Sebastian wraps his arm over my shoulders and leads us to the couch where he switches on the T.V. I slip into a slumber with Sebastian's woodsy scent wrapping around me like a warm blanket.

HER: Novel by Nicole Maria NavarroWhere stories live. Discover now