Chapter 1: Rebirth

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George Washington. Alexander Hamilton. Marquis De Lafayette. Hercules Mulligan. John Laurens. Aaron Burr.

They woke up with nothing but silence and darkness surrounding them. They feel alive but why do they feel so much pain - especially in the chest area? They're alive, but they cannot move. They're fully awake but why is it so dark? 

With a loud bang, it all came back to them. Gunshot to the chest - the cause of their death.

And suddenly, they could feel themselves gasping for air. Their heart pumping. Life flowing through them again, and with a flash of light, they were greeted by the blinding rays of the sun shining through. 

Their vision was a blur; albeit, slowly but surely, it got clearer. They felt an ache in their chest, reminiscent of their death. Scared, they were. And most of all, extremely baffled. They all have awoken in different areas. The spot of their death, where they were shot by the British. 

Upon waking up, everything looked... Fine?

It's like that ambush never even happened. They all asked their comrades of what happened, and none of them mentioned the ambush nor even the war becoming worse as it is. This left them even more confused.

Shortly after, they all bumped into each other. Well everyone except Washington at least. Hilariously, the Hamilsquad was even happy to see Aaron alive as well. They all talked about what happened and told each other stories about how nobody believed them that the British came and killed them all. It seems that they were the only ones aware.

Meanwhile, Washington gingerly ambled out his tent where he seemed to awake in. Everything was fine, but of course... He wasn't.

General Schuyler and Montgomery were passing by and seeing as Washington didn't seem like his usual self, they decided to approach him. "Are you okay, Washington?" Schuyler asked. "You look like you've just witnessed witchcraft," Montogomery remarked. 

"...I-I'm...... Fine..." Washington slowly uttered, unsure of his own answer. He felt fine physically, but he knew to himself that he really wasn't. He just died. Everyone just died. But now they're all alive...

What a confusing world we live in.

"Well you don't seem fine. Is something bothering you?" Schuyler asked again. 
Washington was about to answer, but he realizes that they'd take him for a madman if he told them what happened seeing as they don't know nor remember about dying and losing the revolution, so instead, he said, "No... Nevermind it.." 

Schuyler and Montgomery glanced at each other but they took his answer anyway. Washington inhaled sharply, "Where... Where's Luca?" 

"Luca?" Montgomery questioned. 

"...Luca Lounsbery, my messenger?" Washington rephrases.

"You never had one...?" Schuyler replied, baffled.

"What the fuck??" Washington muttered under his breath. He thought to himself, "Well fuck, he was the only one who believed me that those thingies of tents are called doors and not flaps, and now he just got evaporated from the face of the earth..."

Usually, when someone is gone, people remember them about the good things they did. But thinking of him as the other idiot who agrees with all your stupid ideas and shit is cool too... You do you, Washington. 

"Are you sure you're okay, Washington?" Montgomery asked. "You're acting really strange.."
Schuyler nodded in agreement. 

"Argh! Nevermind that! I'm fine!" Washington protested, letting out a sigh. "Excuse me, gentlemen, I have some people to find." And there he walked away.

"The hell's wrong with him?" Montgomery goes. Schuyler just shrugs awkwardly.

Washington then scurries off in hopes to find the others. And he did, he immediately hugged everyone, even Aaron. The latter was surprised by being included in the hug since he feels that he isn't really important to the people around him, especially since everyone seems to hate him anyway, but he was still very grateful for it. 

"Did you see Luca?" Hercules asks. Washington shakes his head. "I don't think they even know him... I asked Montgomery and Schuyler about him, and they were confused as of who he was, and according to them, apparently, he never worked for me..."

"And even Lee doesn't remember who he is..." Alexander remarks. 

"Layla doesn't know who he is either." Aaron adds in.

"That's... Really weird..." Lafayette mumbles.

"First, we're magically revived. Second there aren't British soldiers high on drugs, rampaging the streets unlike before - which... Killed us... And third, Luca magically ceased to exist! What the fuck is going on here?!" John bursted out.

Good question there, John...

What IS going on exactly?


The author momentarily forgot to revive them, according to the plan of what will happen here in Book 2, so I took charge and handled things on my own. I contacted the god of the universe and smacked him in the face, cos he was fucking asleep and slacking off. And then I told him to revive these bitches, Luca included, and then made my further actions according to the "Book 2" plan in the author's watermelon notebook - which is also why Luca is gone, but don't worry he's still alive.

Usually, authors would think up of big brain explanations about supernatural phenomenons, but naw. We don't do that here. We just vibe backstage and break the fourth wall in the every single second of our lives.

"Wait... WHAT??!" Alexander yells to the sky.

Oh shit, they heard me...

Yo, let's all pretend that you guy never heard any of that...

"Yeah, like we're ever going to do that." John teases.

For fuck's sake...

I can't magically get your memory wiped momentarily cos the author isn't here... So is the 'god of the universe' 

Just... Please... Pretend that you guys didn't hear anything I ever said and you're all still confused about what the fuck happened to Luca.

"So, how are we going to get Luca back?" Hercules continues to completely ignore me.

Oh my fucking garden gnomes...

"...Maybe let's listen to the talking voice in the sky." Aaron suggested, and Washington nodded kind of scared of the consequences of them disobeying me.

"Oh, fuck off Burr!" Alexander yells, with the others doing the same.

Well.... This was an interesting first chapter... 

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