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Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Amelie's Point of View

When I woke up, Warren was gone. I checked my phone and had a text from him.

Warren: Had an early class. Tried not to wake you. Catch up with you later? :)

I smiled, thinking of our kiss from last night. And everything else, how much he's been helping me throughout this tough journey with Nathan, figuring out who he really is.

I got out of bed and got dressed and walked out my dorm. I saw Dana and Juliet standing outside their dorm, "Amelie come here!"

I walked over to them, "What's up?"

"You going to the party tomorrow night?"

"I'm not to sure," I said thinking about Nathan. Maybe I should go, and make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.

"Oh hey Dakota!" Dana called.

I took past Juliet, and there was Dakota down the hall, the new girl.

"What's going on? Where you going? To see your new boo, Nathan?" Dana teased her.


"Too many questions," She laughed.

"Nathan as in Nathan Prescott?" Juliet said.

"Yeah!" Dana said. "I saw Nathan sneaking out of her room last night."

"Oh my god are you okay?" I asked, what if Nathan was drugging her?

"Uhh.. yeah?" She asked. "Why?"

"Wait so you wanted to hang out with him?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah," She said. "Wait, why? Should I not have?"

"Wait isn't that your brother?" Juliet asked me. "Why are you acting so strange about your own brother?"

"I don't know," I said instantly regretting this conversation, I was getting paranoid, "Never mind."

"Okay well.. I'm gonna go.. bye guys," She said and waved goodbye.

Dana and Juliet said bye to her but I couldn't help but keep my eyes on her as she walked away. I was studying her, with confusion written all over my face.

"I should get going," I said to Dana and Juliet.

"What about the party? C'mon please!" Dana pleaded.

"Okay, fine," I said. "I'll be there."

Dana showcased a wide grin from ear to ear, "Bye now," I said walking away.

They waved goodbye as I turned around and walked away. I had to go to literature.

"Hello Amelie!" My literature teacher said. "I heard you got accepted into the Blackwell Poetry Jam!"

"Yeah," I breathed out, it was the one of the only positive things I had to look forward too nowadays, a distraction from Nathan related stress. "I'm so looking forward to it."

"It's Friday, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, at six."

"Okay, can't wait to cheer my start student on," She said. "Future number one book seller of America!"

My face instantly was flustered from how embarrassed I was. I guess maybe I really am going somewhere in life. It would really suck if I went somewhere and Nathan.. didn't.

Wow, he's all I think about now. I should really stop and get my mind off of it. After class maybe I'll hang out with Dana and Juliet to smoke. I really have to wind down and relax.

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