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Thursday, October 3, 2013
Amelie's Point of View

I entered Blackwell's main campus. I had only a few minutes until my creative writing class started. I began to speed walk, "Hey Amelie!" I heard a voice say from a table set up.

I walk over, "Oh hey Court!" I exclaimed.

Courtney was really good "friends" with Victoria, if that's what you could call them. Victoria doesn't have any true friends except Nathan. She treats all her friends like garbage but Nathan she actually cares about, in a brother-sister way I think, thought if they ever got romantic I also wouldn't be surprised.

"So you're hanging out with Warren?" She asks.

"Hang out? It was once, not even for that long.. how do you know that?" I asked.

"You know Blackwell," Courtney laughed. "Word spreads like wildfire."

"Let's hope the fire doesn't set this place on fire," I laughed.

"Oh come on, you hanging out with Warren isn't that crazy," She laughed. "Anyways, you coming to the party tomorrow?"

"Sure yeah," I said. "Gotta support my twin brother and his unhealthy partying habits, right?"

"Oh please," Courtney rolls her eyes playfully. "We're at a boarding school, away from our parents, we're gonna party for sure!"

"You're right Courtney, I'll see you there," I winked at her and kept walking to my class, I'll be late now for sure.

As I began walking to class someone bumped past me, I turned around, it was Brooke, "Seriously Brooke?" I shouted after her.

She turned around and shrugged, "You're just like them," She said. "A Whoretex Club member."

"Don't you dare talk about the Vortex Club like that," I angrily said shoving her. "They may not be the friendliest to everyone at first, but my brother represents that, so shut the fuck up Brooke."

"Ooh," Nathan said walking past me. "Never thought I'd see the day my little sister would be defending the Vortex Club."

"Shut up Nathan," I angrily said through my teeth.

He grabbed me and we started walking towards our classes, "I wanna hit her."

"Jeez Amelie," He laughed. "I guess we really aren't too different at all."

"I don't know about that one," I laughed as we stood in front of my class.

"Your boyfriend is coming," Nathan said chin pointed towards Warren from down the hall who seemed to be walking towards us.

"Yeah, gotta go," I said. "And he's not my boyfriend Nathan."

I started to walk into my Creative Writing class and of course, as persistent as Warren is, he followed me, "Amelie wait."

"Yeah?" I questioned turning around and facing him.

"I'm really sorry about earlier," He said. "It looks really bad, but it isn't as bad as it seems. I had a lot of fun, even if it wasn't for long."

"Me too," I nodded my head, still my arms were crossed though.

"How can i make it up to you?" Warren asked.

"Hmm," I thought. "Vortex Club party tomorrow, you come with me."

"You're seriously going to that?" He asked.

I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows at his response.

"Okay yeah fine," He said. "What time?"

"Ten," I said. "Come to my dorm."

"Alright," He said. "Which room number is yours?"

"Figure it out," I said then turned around and went to my seat getting ready for today's lecture to start.


Class was finally over, I never thought I'd say finally, I normally loved class. But today just felt so long, and it was gonna feel even longer, I just had a feeling.

I left class, Mrs. Grant's Class was just across the hall, Warren was in there right now I think.

I shrugged off the thought of Warren, why was I obsessing over him out of nowhere? I barely know him and now he's my date to a Vortex Club party tomorrow night.

I heard on the loud speaker, "Amelie Prescott, please reports to Principal Well's office."

"Someone's in trouble," Brooke laughed at her locker.

"What a bitch," I shook my head as I walked to Principal Well's office.

I opened the door going straight to his office walking past the secretaries. Warren was right, my family owns this school, practically the Bay itself.

"Amelie, sit down," Principal Wells said. "What is this I hear about you threatening Brooke?"

"Principal Wells, I never threatened her, there was a heated argument but a threat was never thrown," I said reasonably.

"As a Prescott, I take your word," He nods. "But don't let this happen again, I already have one troubled Prescott."

"Troubled?" I asked. "Yeah Nathan can be a lot, but trouble?"

"Get to class Amelie," Principal Wells said.

"Have a good day," I replied as I left his office.

I sighed as I started heading back to my dorm, I should get to work on some assignments.

My phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone from my bag and saw it was Victoria who texted me. 

Victoria: Hey girl, heard what happened with you and Brooke, you sure you don't want in on the Vortex Club?

Me: Yeah, I'm sure. I'll be attending the party tomorrow night for my brother, but that's it.

I shut my phone off, returning it to my back pocket and continued to walk to my dorm.

On the way, I saw Justin and his friends, I should go say hi.

"Hey Justin!" I called walking over to them.

"Look who it is," He said as his friends whistled and cat called.

"Keep that down unless you want my brother to hunt you guys down," I laughed playfully.

"So how's Warren?" Justin teased.

"How does everybody know I spent like an hour with him this morning?" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Blackwell," One of Justin's friends replied.

"You going to the party tomorrow night?" I asked Justin.

"Maybe, not sure," He said. "I don't think I'm on the guest list though."

"I'm Nathan Prescott'a baby twin sister," I laughed. "You don't need to be on a guest list, you just need me."

"Fair point," He said. "We should go skating again one day. Remember when we went with Rachel Amber?"

"Oh yeah," I said scratching my arm awkwardly. "Rachel Amber.."

"Yeah.." Justin said. "I miss her everyday. I just know she's somewhere probably famous living it up."

"I hope so," I said. "She was so cool. And beautiful."

"Definitely Beautiful for sure," Justin agreed. "I better get to skating."

"Yeah," I sighed thinking of Rachel Amber. "Have fun with that. See you at the party tomorrow night?"

"For sure," Justin said.

I continued to walk to my dorm, just wanting to fall into my mattress and let sleep consume me for the rest of the day.

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