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Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Amelie's Point Of View

Warren was so good at comforting me. Finding out my brother is mentally right was so scary.

"Should I tell Max? Or should I protect him?" I asked Warren.

"I don't know Amelie, this is some serious shit," Warren said. "It's not like he cheated on a test or something. This isn't normal school drama. He dosed people. Chloe and Kate at least. Who knows who else.."

"I can't believe Kate almost died because of my brother," I said nervously.

"I know Amelie, but that's not your burden to carry," Warren explained holding me close.

"Let's go talk to Max and Chloe. We can see whatever theories they're brewing up and we'll form one on our own with what we know of Nathan. Then you can decide to tell them if you want."

"Okay, that's not a bad idea," I said. "We should try and meet up with her now."

I pulled out my phone to text Max.

Me: Hey Max. Can we meet? It's about Nathan.

Max: Alright, can I come to your dorm with Chloe?

Me: Sure

I was so worried about Nathan, "What if he's drugging another girl right now?" I asked Warren.

"He's probably not. His next target will probably be at the party Thursday."

"Yeah," I said. "You're probably right."

"How didn't you know?" Warren asked.

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe if I would've paid attention to him I could've realized sooner and I'd be able to get him help and-"

"None of this is your fault," Warren said. "You understand that, right?"

"It's not Nathan's either," I said. "There's gotta be something we don't know, y'know, something we're missing."

"Maybe," Warren responded. "I wanna give Nathan the benefit of the doubt. I really do. But this isn't looking to good on him."

"Yeah," I said looking down at my lap.

There was a knock at my door, "Come in."

The door slowly opened and in came Max and Chloe, "What's happening?" Max asked. "Did you find something?"

I shrugged, "No. I just- I still want to help though."

"Okay," Max said.

"Maybe if you would tell me the theory you're coming up with. I can do my part. Whether it be proving it or disproving it, I have to help, Nathan's a dick but he's everything to me."

"Okay yeah," Chloe said. "We think he has something to do with R-Rachel being gone."

"What?" I asked. "Rachel Amber? How would he have anything to do with that?"

"I don't know, we also suspect Frank Bowers and David Madsen."

"Who's Frank Bowers?" I asked. "And why David Madsen?"

"Frank is Arcadia Bay's favorite drug dealer," Chloe explained. "And David is just, really suspicious."

"Alright," I said. "Will you guys keep me updated?"

"Yeah of course, we'll text you with any new information," Max said. "Thank you for your help. I'm glad we have a Prescott on our side."

Max and Chloe left and I leaned back in Warren's arms, "Seriously? Rachel Amber?"

"He did have a gun," Warren said.

"You think she's dead? I thought she just ran off without Chloe."

"I don't know," Warren said. "But even I'm starting to get creeped out that we could have a murder running around campus with a gun and drugs."

"Who just so happens to be my twin brother.."

"What are you gonna do if you find out he's a murderer?"

"I think I'm gonna get him committed," I explain "Y'know at a mental hospital. If he did any of these things, it's not him, it's his brain. My dad pushed Nathan to be.. crazy.."

"Was Nathan always so angry?"

"Not at all," I said. "It didn't happened until we became teenagers and he started to realize who my dad really was."

"I'm sorry Amelie," Warren said. "But you turned out fine."

"My dad never treated me the way he treated Nathan. But, even if he did, we all handle things different. We're different individuals, we aren't wired the same like one another."

"Yeah," Warren agreed. "You're right."

"I'm really hoping this all just a nightmare, and I'll wake up, and Nathan and I will be children again, and I can save him from all his plight."


I woke up in Warren's arms. This time in my room. I got out of bed without waking him, I didn't even remember falling asleep.

I went over to my desk to catch up on some literature assignments, making sure to try my very best but my brain was so distracted. I was sitting here, breathing, but my brain and heart were elsewhere, hurting.

I spun in my chair to face my bed, staring at Warren. Who would've thought I'd end up with Warren Graham? He's also like two years older than him. He's sixteen and I'm eighteen. Is that.. weird? No, probably not.

He's like a little baby, sleeping. He's the one guy who hasn't tried to hook up with me. Especially since we spend so much time together. We haven't even properly kissed. Sure I've kissed his cheek twice, but that's all. And he hasn't even complained for more. If he's content with how we're moving, so am I.

"Hey Amelie," He groaned rolling over. "Stop staring at me while I sleep."

I laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm just thinking."

"About what?" He asked, his voice low and groggy.

"You, me," I said. "Us."

He slowly sat up, "Come here."

I practically jumped up out of my chair in excitement and walked over to him. I sat on the bed, lying down next to him.

"What are we doing?" I asked looking at him as we laid down facing one another.

"I don't know," He said. "What do you wanna do?"

"I'm under the impression that we like each other," I said.

"Mhm," He nodded. "What else?"

"I don't know," I said. "I feel like I'm a sixth grade trying to confess my crush. I feel so dumb."

"Don't," Warren laughed. His sleepy laugh was so cute.

"Thank you for helping me with all the Nathan stuff and giving him the benefit of the doubt," I said. "He doesn't deserve it from you."

"Why do you say that?" Warren asked.

"He's always been such a dick to people interested in science and shit," I said. "He's just insecure, that's all."

"At the end of the day, we're all humans just trying to fit in."


"You tired Amelie?"

I nodded my head in agreement, "Goodnight Warren."

He moved closer to me, getting close to my face and kissing my lips. It was quick kiss. He pulled away, "Goodnight Amelie."

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