Chapter 20: Entering Eagle Talon

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"Ah, it's so good to see all of you again!" Cyrus Borg exclaimed happily as the group exited the elevator leading up to his office. He rolled over easily on his wheelchair and shook hands heartily with Wu. "I have to tell you, I've been working tirelessly on your orders, and I have to say that they've turned out splendidly!"

"Thank you, Mr. Borg," Wu responded warmly. "But first, allow me introduce some new friends of ours." At this he gestured to Matilda and Liana. "They've gotten involved in this adventure, and they will be working with us. Speaking of which," he added. "I trust you're keeping all this confidential? We don't want the citizens panicking about werecats running loose in Ninjago."

"Of course, of course!" Borg nodded vigorously. "The designers had to be told what they're meant for, but they're sworn to secrecy. I've heard that the police are keeping people quiet about the incident at the hotel, so really nobody knows about these creatures except us. Ah— how do you do, ladies." He then turned to Matilda and Liana standing by. "I am quite pleased to meet friends of the ninja."

"Charmed." Matilda nodded curtly.

Liana, on the other hand was a bit more cordial. "Pleased to meet you, too, Mr. Borg. Are you in a wheelchair?"

Everyone turned and stared at Liana, and Cyrus Borg gave her an odd look. "Why, yes, can't you see—?"

He took a closer look at her face, then gasped. "Ohh, but of course you can't! I apologize, I didn't see that you were, ah, um..." He stared at the hideous scars on her face.

"Blind," she finished politely. "But like you, I can take care of myself and get around without any help. To be honest," Abruptly looking shy, she drew a stray strand of hair out of her face. "I'm kinda a big fan of your work... I just think it's so cool how you've got this huge company and are doing so much for the world when you're—"

For once, her voice was the one that was trailing off awkwardly.

"Crippled? Yes, it would seem that we have something in common." Borg smiled at the facially disfigured girl with keen, friendly interest. "Ah, that's to say, that we both have something that makes other people look down on us, but we have something great to offer the world, and we can show them that we are just as capable as they are."

He looked at Liana thoughtfully and saw the nunchucks fastened to her belt. "Do you fight alongside the ninja?"

"Yeah." Nya spoke up. "And she can kick some serious butt, too! You wouldn't want to mess with her." She cast a warm glance at Liana, who looked surprised and grateful at the unexpected support.

"Really!" Cyrus Borg murmured, "Perhaps I should have made another one..."

"Ah-hem," Cole interjected impatiently. "What 'ones' are you talking about? What exactly is it that you're building?"

"I didn't tell them," Wu explained when Borg gave him a confused glance.

"Ahh! Well, let me show you!" With that, Borg wheeled over to a large cardboard box sitting by his wide computer desk and brought it over to the group. "Wu has asked me to design you some..." At this he pulled out one of the objects. "Ta-da! New uniforms!"

Presented before the group was a dark-colored ninja uniform that consisted of a thick, well-designed material whose shape and padded substance was built to protect the wearer's upper thighs, crotch, chest, and belly. It included flat shoulder pads, padded chest armor, a utility belt, and a long, stylish scarf-like mask, similar to the types the ninja wore when fighting the Overlord and when they had entered the Tournament of Elements. The main color of this version was black and gray, and Cole guessed it was intended for him when he saw the Earth gorilla symbol at the front of the uniform.

Roots of Earth ~ A Ninjago FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora