Chapter 8

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<Your POV>

We were all now flying to the dragon nest. Once we reach there, the scene in front of us were so bad with most of the ships are burn down. Hiccup are riding with me on Galax as he sits behind me with his hands wrap around my waist.

I was riding Galax in the front leading the four new riders around. Me and Hiccup then see Gobber and his father, Stoick trying to get the dragon attention on them probably buying sometime for the other Viking to escape. The Red Death then open his mouth trying to blow Hiccup's father away, but I manage to stop it by signalling Galax to blast the dragon behind its head.

Hiccup : Ruff, Tuff watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!

Tuff : Look at us! We're on a dragon. We're on dragons! All of us!

I see everyone look at us shock.

Hiccup : Up! Let's move it! Fishlegs, break it down!

Fishlegs : Okay. Heavily armoured skull and tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both. Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!

Hiccup : Okay, Lout, Legs! Hang in its blind spot, make noise, keep it confused! Astrid, you follow them. Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!

Ruff : That's my speciality!

Tuff : Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See.

Tuffnutt said as he turns upside down on the dragon's head. I the stop their rumbling and scold them.

Y/N : Stop! Just do what he told you! We'll be back as soon as we can!

Snotlout : Don't worry! We got it covered!

I said as I lead Galax to the ships trying to find Toothless. We flew above the burn ships when we heard a cry most likely from Toothless from one of the burn ships.

Hiccup : There!

We then fly to where the sound came from. Hiccup the stood up ready to jump down onto the ships Toothless on. Once we are right above Toothless, Hiccup jump down and turn to me.

Hiccup : Go help the others!

I nod my head at Hiccup and lead Galax to where the others at. I look at Hiccup for a moment seeing him pulling on the strangle they put on Toothless. I then turn back to the front and focus back on the Red Death. I see them knocking on their shield with their hammer making lot of noises.

I take out a piece of cloth and show it in front of Galax. Galax look at the cloth and then at me.

Y/N : Do you trust me, Galax?

I asked to my dragon. He nods to me and I wrap it in front of his eyes and close his ears blocking the noises out of Galax. I would need to make an earplug for Galax.

I then lead Galax to the battle seeing Snotlout and Fishlegs dragons confused because of the noises they make. Snotlout dragon then accidently bump on the Red Death throwing Snotlout on top of the big dragon. Fishlegs then said something to Snotlout as he throws the hammer in his hand to Snotlout who lost his and crash down to the ground with the Gronckle.

I look at Fishlegs seeing that he is okay, but that though wash away as I see the big dragon almost stepping on Fishlegs and Gronckle if Snotlout didn't just poke the big dragon eyes. I heave a sigh of relieve. I then lead Galax to fly a few feet above the ground fast and whip up a shield and a hammer then lead Galax to fly near the big dragon ear making a lot of noises.

<Hiccup POV>

I was helping Toothless get out of his strain when Suddenly the ship we're in get destroyed by the big dragon making Toothless who is still strain fall into the water. I dive down to Toothless in order to help Toothless and keep pulling on the strain ignoring the burning I feel in my chest from the lack of air.

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