Chapter 10: Fleeing the Felines and Spilling the Beans

Start from the beginning

Liana said, "You know him?"

Cole said, "Guys! Now is not a good time! Those cat-things are still out there, and we need to find the others before—"

An ear-piercing crash made everyone jump. Something big and heavy blasted through the window, showering the room in shards of glass. Liana shrieked shrilly. Cole dove to the floor behind the bed. He looked up to see a huge, white-furred cat-creature shaking the fragments out of its fur. It scanned the room, first seeing Cole.

Their eyes met. With a snarl, it leapt for him.

Yelling hoarsely, Cole scrambled under the bed. The cat yowled when it lost its balance and smashed into a dresser, knocking over a chair and the desk lamp in the process. Wood split with splinters flying and pottery shattered.

Zane's voice broke through the chaos. "Ice!" A rain of icicles slammed into the cat, piercing its thick hide. Upon impact the ice spread and coated the cat's body until it covered its his belly and hind legs. Caterwauling, it struggled and scratched at the ice.

Hastily Cole scrambled out from under the bed. "Liana—?"

Jay interjected, "Look out!"

Another cat burst in through the window; it landed on the bed and sneered at the humans.

"Get out of here!" Groping frantically, Cole's hands found Liana, grabbed her and shoved her out the door. Zane and Jay followed them into the narrow hallway and they all raced into a dimly-lit den.

There a middle-aged man and three teenage girls sat on the couches, all on their smartphones and devices. They looked up in shock as Liana and the three ninja burst in.

"Everyone get out of here!" Zane gasped. "There's—!"

One of the cats ran up from behind and smashed into the nindroid, sending them both tumbling to the ground. A chair and coffee table were knocked over, and the girls shrieked. The man, who was slightly overweight and had balding brown hair—presumably Uncle George— bolted from the couch, dropping his device.

"Call the police!" Cole charged the huge cat and tried to wrestle him off Zane, grabbing its thick fur.

George stood still in shock for a moment, then cried, "Girls, get out of here!" He raced for the door and ushered his daughters out.

"Liana, go join your— ugh!" Cole cried out when claws slashed his back and ripped through his shirt. Whipping around, he saw a ragged calico cat standing there. Snarling, it latched itself with its claws onto Cole's back.

Fiery pain coursed through his back; he screamed out loud. The cat dragged him backwards across the floor. A glance told him that Zane was still wrestling with the other cat. Jay was busy exchanging blows with a dark, smoky gray feline.

The cat dragging Cole away jammed its huge paws onto his back. Cole was shocked at how much the scratches stung. He felt as if fire had lashed into his body and was throbbing with every heartbeat.

He struggled frantically, but he was helpless under its claws. The creature yowled, opened its fanged mouth, and lunged for Cole's neck. In horror he cringed back.

In that moment, something smashed into the side of the cat's head and sent him stumbling to the floor. The beast fell with a quiet whimper.

Cole tottered to his feet to see Liana standing there. Her trusty nunchucks were thrust under her armpit.

"Thanks," he gasped.

"No prob'." Her face was set grimly. "We need to get out of here."

Cole whipped around, and spinning wildly in a Spinjitzu vortex, smashed into the side of the cat attacking Jay. The creature yowled and tripped over the couch, legs flailing.

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