Chapter 14 : Welcome Home

Start from the beginning

"Erm - Ron," I began, "I should tell you, most muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car."

Harry nodded and Ron sighed. "Erm - right," he mumbled and pressed the silver button next to him.

The outside of the car magically turned fully invisible and I giggled. We flew away from the city and through to the trees. About and hour later the outside of our car wasn't invisible anymore. "What happened?" I asked and Ron pushed the silver button over and over again.

"Oh, no," he moaned, "the invisibility booster must be faulty."

"It's okay," Harry spoke, "let's go lower, we need to find the train."

Ron nodded and flew on to the train track. We followed it for a while until we heard a whistle. "Did you hear that?" Harry asked. "We must be getting close," Ron beamed and the sound got louder. "Wait a minute," I gulped and we looked at each other terrified.

The three of us turned around to see the train right behind us. We screamed as loud as we could and Ron tried flying forwards as fast as he could. After a few seconds the train was going faster so I leaned forward and turned the steering wheel fast. We flew off the track and spun around many times. We all screamed and yelled as we did many full 360's. We finally stopped spinning and I sighed. Harry rested his elbow on the car door handle and the door opened, Harry falling out the car.

"HARRY!" Ron and I screamed as Harry was holding on with one hand. "Hold on," Ron shouted and reached for Harry's hand.

"Take my hand," he yelled and Harry grabbed his hand only to slip out of it in an instant. "Hold on," Ron repeated. "I'm trying," Harry struggled, "your hands all sweaty."

I pushed Ron aside and sat in the front seat, leaning over to help Harry. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him in as hard as I could. He finally got in and shut the door, sitting beside me.

We all caught our breath before I said, "I think we found the train."

The boys both nodded, "yeah."

We continued to fly for another couple hours and finally we were at Hogwarts. "Welcome home guys," Ron beamed and we all giggled.

We flew around the castle to the front and the car started making these funny noises. We went crashing down further and further. "Up! Go up!" Harry and I yelled at Ron but the car didn't go up. "The flying gears jammed," he wined and we all screamed as we went crashing into a tree. "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!" Ron screamed as he hit the wheel with his wand multiple times.

We crashed onto the tree and stopped. We all caught our breath and looked at Ron. "My wand," he cried, "look at my wand."

His ash wood wand had been snapped in half. The top of it, just hanging on by a thread. Poor Ron. He doesn't have enough money to buy another wand. He's gunna be stuck with that wand all year.

"Be thankful it's not your neck," I panted and the car shifted. "What's happening," Ron shrieked. Harry shrugged, "I don't know."

The tree was fighting back. The car was being absolutely destroyed. The windows were being smashed, branches were landing on top of the car. We were screaming at the top of our lungs. A branch crashed through the back and missed my face my inches. I grabbed onto Harry and he pulled me away from the branch.

The car fell down onto the floor with a bang and Ron drove off, far enough away from the tree.

We panted and caught our breath but were immediately thrown out of the car. Harry and me on one side and Ron on the other. We stood up and our trunks flew out into the floor. Hegwig, Scabbers and Smokey few out in their cages, us catching our pets before they landed.

The car doors shut and the car drove off by its self. "The car!" Ron yelled and the three of us chased after it, placing our pets down in the floor beforehand. The car drove off into the Dark Forrest and we sighed. "Dads gunna kill me," Ron shuddered. "Let's get up to the castle," I suggested and we all grabbed our luggage and pets before running up to the castle.

We dropped our pets and trunks off with all the others and walked up the staircase to the Great Hall.

"So," Harry began, "a house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to platform nine and three quarters, we almost get killed by a tree. Clearly someone's doesn't want me here this year."

We looked up and saw Filch stood, stroking Mrs Norris, with a huge smirk on his face. I gulped. "Take a good look kids," Filch croaked, "this might be the last night you spend in this castle. Oh dear you are in trouble."

Filch smirked again and the three of us gulped.

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