9 - feeling lesser

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(A week later, Peter's pov)

"This is week 5 of having my powers, week 4 of being Spider-man. There were some guys in an alleyway with some drugs, so I webbed 'em up. This bike was laying in the middle of the road so I took it to the police station and left a note with it. That's it really for today." I pressed the stop button on my phone and looked 40 feet below me from the building I was sat on top of, my feet sticking to the side of the wall.

I kept a log of my days as Spider-man because one day when I'm gonna hopefully be doing bigger stuff with people like the Avengers, I can look back at these recordings, at how my life started.

As I looked down I saw y/n walking under me, earphones in, looking a little sad. I plucked up the courage to talk to her, as Spider-man. Hopefully, she won't notice it's me. Maybe I'll try and deepen my voice a little, or walk differently somehow, ugh, I don't know. 'Just go Peter' I thought to myself, then I swung off the roof and landed in front of y/n.


(A few hours before, y/n's pov)

My mom was out with Toby again, so I was just watching Star Wars on my own. Peter and Ned would have liked to be here too, and I wish they were. I didn't really hang out with them out of school that often anymore, especially Peter, who was never available.

Around 10 minutes after the movie had ended I heard the front door open and mom and Toby walked in along with a barrel of laughs. I was glad to hear her having fun, but I felt a little forgotten.

"Hey, honey! Toby's gonna stay for dinner if that's ok? You guys can hang out for a bit too."

"Oh, yeah! Fun." My mom noticed the slight sarcasm in my tone. I went upstairs, feeling like I was about to cry. I never saw her anymore and it hurt me! I guess I've been so used to having her around all the time it's strange being alone so often.

Just as I lay on my bed I heard I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" The soft voice of my mother approaching me until I felt her sitting on the end of the bed. I turned to face her and sat up a little.

"Every day of my life it's just been me and you, and we were so happy, but now that you and Toby are dating I feel like I'm spending most of my time at home alone because he's more important to you now," I was full-on crying now.

"And I don't even know what he thinks of me either, or why he sounded snarky when he said hi to me first. I just feel lesser now that Toby's in your life. And I know that you're happy with him, I really am, and I want you to be happy, even if it means that I'm not, but I just never imagined it would go this far."

She looked down, teary-eyed, and took a breath.

"Wow, I didn't know you felt that way at all! Thank you for telling me though." She pushed a weak smile through her sadness.

"How about, tomorrow night, we can spend the night alone, watch a movie or something, then the next night, you can spend the evening with Toby, get to know each other, and have some fun!"

I wasn't particularly keen on hanging out with Toby but I didn't want to hate him for no reason either, not that I was looking for a reason to hate him. 

"Sounds good." I smiled at her and she put her hand on mine.

"And I promise, to consider you in everything I do with Toby."

"Thank you, mom." I gave her a tight hug. "I think I'm gonna skip dinner and just go out for a walk or something, I need some air."

"Okay honey, whatever that'll make you feel better."

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