22 - a dark place

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(Y/n's pov)

My head was spinning, and spinning, and spinning. My hands and arms were sore, and there was a blinding light on my face.

It took a long time for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings, and my heartbeat rose substantially as I realized where I was. I had no idea.

I half lying down on this big chair, like they have in the dentists, except this one was very uncomfortable, and my hands and feet were cuffed to it. I looked at my wrists to see red marks all around them from the cuffs.

There was a table beside me with a bunch of empty blood bags, needles, and other tools. And on the other side, I hadn't even noticed a sticker on my arm with a tube connecting to it, drawing my blood to a bag that was hung on a stand next to me.

I tried to rip it off with my teeth but my neck was too weak to lift my head and I doubted I'd succeed anyway. I didn't even have the energy to cry for help.

'What happened? What day is it? How longs had it been? What are they doing to me? Why is my blood being drawn? Is this Toby's doing?'

These questions spiralled in my brain for a very long time as I regained my strength. I had no track of time so I didn't know anything. I was completely clueless of my surroundings, of the date, of if my mom was okay.

Just then, a silhouette appeared in the door as it opened, and a bright light bled into the room.

"We meet again," the familiar voice said.

"Toby," I growled.

"You didn't think you'd gotten rid of me had you?"

"Where am I? Where's my mom?"

"Your mom is fine, well, I mean she's not fine because you're missing, but I can't do anything about that."

"Shouldn't you be comforting her as her...her boyfriend?" I didn't want to call him that.

"Actually, if you didn't have to intrude, yet again, by going to the movies with her, she would have been more than that."

"What do you mean, she said she didn't have any plans."

"But I did," he said and came over to me, holding a red velvet box. He opened it and inside was a beautiful pearl ring. But it wasn't beautiful in his hands. It made me angry to even think that an evil psychopath like him could even get close to my mom again. 

"She'll never marry you, you son of a bitch!" I said and spat on the ring.

He closed the box and punched me, giving me a black eye, but it was worth it.

"How dare you. Take my future wife away from me, then insult me, in front of all these important people." He pointed at a wall in the room, which I now realized had a glass in the middle of it. A one-way mirror.

"Now, let's carry on, shall we? After we've gotten enough blood, my scientists will do some experiments, then when we get it right, we'll do it on you!"

I stayed silent, fore-seeing a punch my way if I spoke.

"I can feel disapproval in the room over there. Actually...that does seem a bit nice don't you think? How about we skip the experimenting on your blood first, and just go straight to experimenting on you?" He turned to face the mirror, "Better lads?"

He laughed and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I didn't make a noise for at least 5 minutes after he left, not even in my head. But I just couldn't hold it in anymore, and I just started crying. I let all my thoughts flow through my head as I did so.

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