15 - drunk words are sober thoughts

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(Peter's pov)

On the way down the stairs, she drunkenly tripped but I caught her.

"Okay, you're not gonna make it to the end of the street like that," I said, picking her up bridal style with one arm under her legs and the other around her back.

"Whoa, okay!" she said.

I about 30 seconds later she started to talk again.

"How can you carry me with such ease?"

"You're not that heavy," I replied.

"No, but I am heavy. I'm like a car, no wait, I'm like a truck. A truck filled with...refrigerators."

I chuckled.

"Honk honk! Big truck coming through!" she yelled. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Well, when I met you, you were all small and nerdy, and now you're like..."

"What?" I asked, kind of already knowing where she was getting at.

"You're carrying a refrigerator-filled truck without a sweat!"

We both laughed. I didn't reply.

After a while, her head relaxed a little, causing her face to fall under my neck. Her breaths started to get deeper and slower as I felt the rest of her body relax.

"You smell good," she whispered. I felt her warm breath on my neck and I looked down and her eyes were closed and she was quiet so I assumed she'd fallen asleep.

When we reached my apartment door I gently woke y/n up and took her inside.

"Hi Peter, oh hey y/n," May said, a little concerned noticing how tired she looked.

"Someone gave her too much to drink and she didn't wanna go home so I said she could stay here," I explained.

"Oh yeah of course!"

"Thanks, May," she said, waking up a little more.

"Let me get something for you to change into," she said, getting some spare pajamas and giving them to y/n. "You'll find some makeup wipes in the bathroom cupboard okay?"

Y/n smiled, "Thank you so much."

I sat on the couch and waited for her to change. About 5 minutes later I heard the bathroom door open. She came out and almost fell, I went over and helped her stay up.

"You look awful," I said.

"Oh great thanks, now I've taken my makeup off."

"No, that's not what I meant, you just look...wasted."

"Well spotted genius," she said and fell again. I caught her and led her to my bed.

"Wait, where are you gonna sleep?" she asked.

"Oh, I'll take the couch, it's fine." I turned to leave but she pulled me by the bottom of my shirt back to her.

She smirked, "I knew it."


She lifted my shirt a little.

"Damn Parker! I mean I kinda guessed but who else would have thought that a cute nerd like you was so ripped."

"Y/n!" I shouted, lowering her hand.

'Did she just call me cute? Did she just lift my shirt?! She's just drunk, really drunk.'

"What? It's true."

"You...think I'm cute?" I asked, nervously.

"I mean yeah, in a dorky way. But now I know for sure, you're pretty hot!"

Sacrifices {Peter Parker x Reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu