7 - the crime-fighting spider

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(Y/n's pov)

Peter and I didn't talk much at all for the rest of the week, we occasionally talked in class but that was it really. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and I respect the fact that everyone has secrets, even the closest of people can't know, but I was just so upset with how many times Peter had made excuses about it, instead of being straight up and saying that it's a secret.

My mom just said 'forgive and forget'.  I guess I could forgive him, but I won't forget it. And even if it's very important to Peter, and a well-concealed secret, I deep down still wanted to know what was going on.

I knew that Peter was worrying over our friendship too - he's very bad at hiding his feelings and facial expressions sometimes - and I didn't like seeing him sad. So I decided to talk to him, honestly.

After class, I caught Peter in the hallway before he could go to his next period.

"Hey, Peter, um...can we talk?"

"Sure y/n," though he sounded unsure.

"So, firstly I wanted to apologize for how I acted towards you last week, I-"

"Hey, hey, it's ok"

"No Peter, please let me finish." He looked slightly guilty for interrupting me. "I respect the fact that everyone has secrets even our closest friends or family can't know, even me. And I'm really sorry I was so brutal and forceful towards you in trying to get an explanation. I just want things to be okay between us."

He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry for lying to you and trying to make excuses, I wanna be close again."

"Thank you, Peter"

He smiled, genuine this time.

"Just don't try and punch me for no reason again," he said, chuckling.

"Aha, yeah sorry about that, I would never hurt you on purpose...anymore, you're my best friend."

He looked down as I said that, almost disappointed. Was it something I said?

The bell rang again, breaking the awkwardness.

"See you after class then," Peter said

"Yep." He smiled and walked away, kind of jumping too. I guess he was just happy knowing we were good again, and so was I.


(Skip to after school, y/n's pov)

My mom was home early again, and as I walked towards the living room, I see her eyes glued to the TV.

"Oh hey honey, come watch this, it's amazing!" she said, with utter excitement in her voice.

I walked over to the TV and saw the news channel on.

The reporter was a man in his 50s with a mustache and a long face. He was talking quite aggressively, but I guess that was just how he talked. 

"And back to the top story of the day! Queens has their very own superhero now! Spider-Man is a recently spotted hero, but not like the others we know. He's not made of metal or an old war hero, he's a friendly neighborhood, crime-fighting Spider-Man. If you haven't already seen it, here's some footage was taken by civilians on the scene."

A video of a person dressed blue and red colored onesie with a spider on the front, and some weird goggles swinging past the camera by a web and catching a car from driving in a bus. Wow, fair play! 

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