19 - closer

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(The next day, Peter's pov)

I was walking with y/n down the hallway towards her locker. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. I wanted to talk to her about it so badly but I couldn't. If I were to keep her safe, it's better she never knew.

We got to her locker and she opened it, taking a few things out. I leaned against the rest of the lockers with one leg up against them.

"So," I started, "how was last night?"

"What do you mean?" She asked me back.

"With Spider-man I mean, did you find him?"

"Yeah, I did. It was great."

She looked down and smiled, which made me happy.

"What did you guys do?"

"Um..." she hesitated, "I don't think I have the...authorization to tell you."

I laughed a little.

"Why is it top secret?" I mocked.

"Yes!" She said with some sass as she closed her locker.

"Huh." I was a little surprised that she'd keep what she was doing a secret, but I figured out why, having known everything thorough Spider-man's eyes.

"Why? Jealous Parker?"

"What? No! Wh- why wou...why would I be jealous?"

She just smiled, chuckled, then started walking.

"Are you gonna see him tonight?" I asked.

"I am, but we have to study too, there's an algebra test tomorrow." She replied.

"Right yeah, of course. Do you wanna come to my place after your...thing?"

"Sure, what time?"

"Uh, how about 5:30?"

"Sounds good! See you then," she said, then turned and walked to her class.

I wondered about what Steve told me, about her maybe liking me too, but then she acted similar around Spider-man, more even. Does that mean she likes Spider-man more than me?

I mean, it would make more sense, I'm more confident when I'm him and, well, a super-hero! And I'm just...Peter, lame old Peter. She'll probably like me even less if I ever told her who I was.

I realized also, that asking to meet at 5:30 didn't give us much time together on the roof, also not giving me much time to get to my apartment before her and change. I guess this was just one of the problems I signed up for living a double life.


(After school, Peter's pov)

I was on the rooftop for a while before we arranged to meet, the view was just irresistible.

I checked my phone, and just as it turned to 4:00 I heard a voice from below.

"Mind giving me a hand?" Y/n called from the fire escape, a few floors down. I swung down, picked her up, then swung back to the roof.

"So, today I'm gonna teach you to dodge and block."

"Cool," she said, dropping her backpack and standing ready.

"You have to be alive and aware at all times, everything your opponent does should give you a chance to either dodge it, block it, or use it to backfire on himself if that makes sense."

Sacrifices {Peter Parker x Reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum