27 - trapped

884 21 19

(Y/n's pov)

I stood on the sidewalk, a few blocks down from Delmar's, on my phone talking with Peter.

He was in his suit, watching me from the top of a building some buildings down. He found a way to get into my phone through the AI in his suit, and he could detect if any other hacks had been successful to my phone.

We just kept talking, having a normal conversation and I waited for Peter's queue.

"So about the chemistry assignment," he said. That was my queue, Toby was listening in on us. "Did you wanna come over to my place to study?"

My heart rate accelerated significantly as I realised what we were doing.

"I'd love to but um...I don't actually feel very safe going outside late now. I feel like every time I leave the house I'm gonna get myself in danger!"

"Y/n, what do you mean?" He said, really emphasising his tone of voice.

"I think it's time I tell you the truth, Peter. I know who's behind all the bad things that have been happening to me. It's Toby, my mom's boyfriend."

"What?!" Peter coughed after saying this, as a hint that Toby was now tracking the call from my end.

"He's been threatening to hurt me every time I get in between my mom and his relationship. But the time I got kidnapped I didn't even do anything! I think he's just a psychopath at this point."

"Y/n, that's awful, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because if he did he'd hurt me, or my mom, or my friends and I can't let that happen."

I looked to my left to see a man in a black hoodie walking towards me. I started to tense up.

'This was a mistake, I'm going to regret this!'

Strangely, he just walked straight past me, but I did feel some movement in my pocket.

"Peter, I've got to go, I'll call you back."

I hung up and searched my pocket to find a piece of paper with an address on it. On the other side, it read,

Be here within 5 minutes. I have 6 men waiting for my command to fire if you refuse.

This was definitely not what I expected.

I looked over to the building Peter was sat on and I could vaguely figure out a nod coming from him.

I put my hand in my pocket and reached for a device that Peter had manufactured. It was a bleeper that was connected to another bleeper, with him. Kind of like a walkie-talkie, but for tapping.

I kept my hand in my pocket and placed my thumb on the knob on the device, then sent Peter a message in morse code, so that he knew what was happening without Toby finding out.

He sent me a message back,

I'll be there, stick to the plan.

I recognized the name of the street on the address, so I started walking towards it, looking around every now and then to check my surroundings for any sketchy men.

About 4 minutes later, I reached the address, it was an abandoned warehouse. It seemed dark and damp, the windows were dusty, probably covered in cobwebs, and the big metal door to the side of the building was a crack open.

I'm going in.

I clicked to Peter. Then he clicked back saying,

Go ahead, I'll be ready.

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