13 - ahoy!

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(The next morning, y/n's pov)

Yesterday was definitely one to remember! My 'ride' with Spider-man, just hanging out with him and talking, definitely made me feel better about what happened the night before. Then I thought, I didn't think about Toby the whole day after Spider-man showed up, I guess I was exaggerating a little after all.

Then, I remembered talking to Spider-man about forgetting to meet up with Peter the same day, I had to make it up to him. So I decided to text him.

Me: Hey, I'm super sorry about yesterday but I'm feeling better now so if you're free we can go to that ice cream place today.

Peter: Glad to hear you're feeling better, and it's ok about yesterday. Yeah, I am free after lunch if you wanna go then?

Me: Sure! Meet you there at 2?

Peter: Yep :)


(A few hours later, y/s'pov)

I met Peter outside his apartment block, then we walked together to the ice cream place, Scoops Ahoy!

We walked up to the counter to see a young employee dressed as a sailor.

"Ahoy! Didn't see you there!" he exclaimed. "Care to join me on this ocean of flavor? I'll be your captain, I'm Steve Harrington."

(Yes it's Steve from Stranger Things.)

Peter and I just stood there, speechless at the cringe-ness of this guy. We then heard a voice coming from behind.

"Steve!" A girl from the room behind the counter was looking through the window with a whiteboard. She added a tally to the column that read 'You Suck'.

"Stop okay, she's what, 15? Plus she clearly has a boyfriend so let's just skip to the ice cream part," she said a little sassy.

"Oh we're not, he's not- um," I stammered.

"We're not a couple," Peter finished.

Steve turned back at us, "Huh! We'll you guys would be totally cute together."

We both turned red.

"Steve, ice cream!" the girl whisper-yelled.

"Right, yeah uhh, what do you guys want."

"Um, I'll have two scoops of white chocolate in a cone," Peter requested.

"I'll have the same but cookie dough flavor," I replied.

While he was making our ice creams, both Peter and I got money out.

"Hey, it's okay I'll pay," he asked.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that," I lowered his wrist.

"Seriously, y/n, I don't mind."

"Neither do I."

"Eherm..." Steve awkwardly coughed looking back at the girl behind the counter, smirking slightly because of us.

"How 'bout you just pay for your own ice creams? They're the same price anyway."

"Right, yeah that makes sense," I said, feeling a little silly about arguing with Peter about who's paying, (like an actual couple). We gave Steve the money then I went to find a seat while Peter got himself a drink. I saw Steve giving the girl a 'look' then she went over to the counter to serve Peter and he came over to me.

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