20 - algebra test, nailed it

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(The next day, Peter's pov)

(This chapter is a little longer sorry)

The next day at school, my mind was switching between two things: the algebra test I had last period, and the night before with y/n.

How amazing it felt to have her head rested on my shoulder, and how comfortable she seemed to do it. She left about 10 minutes after, giving me a tight hug before going, then I spent the rest of the night thinking about her.

She probably noticed that I was quite preoccupied thinking about something else, but then again, I'm pretty sure she was too.

Things were cool until we got to lunch.

"You guys are quiet, is there something I don't know?" MJ asked.

"Wha- what are you talking about?" I nervously answered.

"Both of you have been daydreaming all day, and about each other if I didn't know better," she said.

"What?! No! Of course not, that's stupid!" Y/n said.

"You seem a little defensive y/n, what's up?" MJ asked.

"Nothing, Peter and I have an algebra test last period that's all."

"So you studied last night I assume?" Ned said, as if implying something.

"We did, and then I left," y/n said quite bluntly. I guess if she told them we even had the slightest fun, they'd get the wrong idea and make fun of us.

"Right, yeah," I said to back her up.

When the bell rang we packed up our things and started walking, then MJ put her hand in front of me stopping me.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," she said, and winked.

"Uhh, what secret?"

"You know Scoops has really good ice cream, and tea," she said, walking away and making a hand gesture as if to sip tea.

I can't believe Steve would tell anyone about this. Now both Ned and MJ knew and I couldn't even have the courage to tell y/n.

But there was nothing I could currently do about it, just trust MJ not to tell y/n I guess.

Last period had come and our tests were being handed out, and even though it was hard to, I pushed my thoughts about y/n aside for the lesson to concentrate on the test. She didn't sit next to me though, so secretly helping each other wasn't an option.

It was pretty easy actually, either that or y/n was very good at helping me revise and study. We covered most of the topics that was in the test, and the ones we didn't I worked out pretty easily anyway.

I finished pretty quick, and when I closed my paper and looked up, I saw that y/n had already finished as well.

At the end of the lesson our teacher collected our papers, then we packed our things. I went up to y/n at the end of the class to talk to her as we walked towards the front gates.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing at what I was holding.

"Oh I found this DVD player on the train this morning, pretty cool right?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm not sure if that counts as stealing but whatever."

"So, did you do okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean we didn't study much compared to all the fun we had, but I did pretty good and it was definitely worth it!"

"Yeah, I had fun too. I love having you over y/n," I said. She blushed and tried to hide it but I noticed. "So I'll see you tomorrow then? Maybe we could meet up over the weekend."

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