Chapter 27: The Final Test

Start from the beginning

I decided that I needed a break after the adrenaline rush, since my arms and legs were now beginning to tire from the strain of climbing the wall. It seemed the exhaustion had finally caught up to me, and I sat down and leaned against the tunnel walls. My hands had gotten even more blisters and calluses than before , and I couldn't even bend my cramped fingers. Gingerly, I sucked in a few breaths, trying to ignore the burning sensation in my feet.

Distant-sounding crashes continued to echo off the walls, surprisingly quiet for tumbling boulders only a room away. I took in several very loud and deep breaths through my mouth, glad that nobody could hear me. The tunnel was a bit too chilly for my liking even after everything that happened in the room, but the bottoms of my feet relished the coolness. I felt goosebumps rise up all over my arms but honestly I didn't mind.

After I regained most of my energy, I stood up and made my way towards what was hopefully the last test. Three time's the charm, right?

I gently pressed my hand against the door, which had a faint blue outline like the previous one. As I expected, the rocks crumbled away at my touch, and I was immediately blinded by the bright white light that it revealed. I shielded my eyes with my arm, squinting, but when I still couldn't see anything, I closed them. Despite the fact that every brain cell I had was screaming warnings at me, I walked forward.

Harumi's POV

I hugged my knees and stared off into the distance while my hair whipped my face, a result of my facing backwards as our raft soared across the waves. We were going much faster than before with the help of the merpeople, and they told us we should reach the shore in maybe only three hours or so. The leader disappeared under the waters along with most of the others, leaving about a dozen or so of their soldiers to escort us. They seemed much nicer and more relaxed without their ruler keeping an eye on them and chatted merrily with the Ninja. Some of them, as well as the Ninja themselves, had attempted conversation with me but I really didn't feel like it. I could only think about what might happen in the future. Surely the Shadow Knight would attack again. What if―

"Harumi? You alright?" Morro asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up into his dark green eyes, which were full of concern. Immediately I wanted to shove him away for being worried about me when I should be the person everyone was least worried about. Then I hated myself even more for even considering taking my anger out of him when I deserved to be shoved into the water.

"Yeah, I guess," I mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, only to have it blown back into my face less than a second later.

"Look―" he began, only to get cut off by Cole.

"Morro," he said exasperatedly as we both turned, "I thought you were supposed to be on the other side of the raft. I'll talk to Rumi." Several heads turned and the Earth Ninja gave me a nervous smile that I didn't return. Groaning, I realized I was being difficult again. I shouldn't be.

Morro brushed his long black hair out of his eyes and sighed as he moved a few inches away from me. He was still on my side of the raft, though. I forced a grin. "Aw, guys, don't worry about me, I'm totally fine."

"Oh really?" Nya said, in a tone that suggested she knew I was lying through my teeth. "Look, Rumi, it's our duty to protect you, and yours to defeat the Shadow Knight. We came here willing to risk it all. Giving you the pearl wasn't even a choice." Her voice was steady and didn't crack, making my heart break even more.

"But what if something happens?!" I shouted, and was met with surprised faces. Sighing, I took a deep breath to collect myself. "Sorry. I just... You guys have sacrificed so much for me already, I just don't think it's right."

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