Coming Out

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<<Alright, well I've been trying to get better about it and still work on my other stories as well but it looks like that's just a wishlist, so if you're irritated with how slow I update, don't worry, I am to>>

Denki POV

it had been about a month since Kyoka and I had gone on our fist date. We set up a system after that, once every week, either on Friday or Saturday, we would go out, just the two of us. It had worked, up until now. Today was Sunday, so we still had the day off. But, yesterday Kirishima caught Kyoka and I on our date. We managed to get him to keep quiet, but he insisted that we tell the others. Right now Kyoka and I were sitting in her room deciding weather or not we should tell them soon.

"What do you think? We've been dating for a while, it feels weird trying to hide this from the rest of the class doesn't it?" I asked her.

"It does feel weird, but you should know this about me, I'm not as outgoing and confident as you are," she said laying back on her bed.

"When we do tell them, you don't have to say anything, I'll do all the talking, alright?" I asked her. She slowly nodded and I stood up.

"Well, Kirishima's right. We've been keeping this a secret for to long. Besides, if we don't tell them, it'll probably get brought up in some conversation and he'll spill," I said.

"Yeah, you're right," she decided getting up. We got ourselves ready mentally and walked out of her dorm. We went downstairs into the common room, where we saw everybody except Todoroki and Tokoyami. We figured they were in their rooms so we just texted them to come down.

"What's up guys?" Sero asked as we sat down.

"Just wait until Todoroki and Tokoyami get here," I said. After that a tired Todoroki and an irritated Tokoyami came downstairs. Tokoyami said nothing but went over and sat next to Asui.

"I was sleeping...." Todoroki said quietly sitting next to Yaoyarozu.

"Now that everyone's here...." I paused. Everyone looked confused, except Kirishima, who gave us a smile and two thumbs up. I chuckled at his energy and took a breath to calm my nerves.

"Well, Kyoka and I are dating," I said with a red face. The class was silent for a bit. I looked at Kyoka to see her looking away and covering her mouth with her hand. Her face was also just as red, if not more red than mine.

"Took ya long enough," Bakugo huffed.

"W-what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.

"It was painfully obvious you two were in to each other," he said turning away.

"'s been a couple months since we got together," I said. The class went silent once again. Bakugo just went back onto his phone.

"Kaminari you lucky-"

"Mineta, say another word, and you'll be locked outside all night, and you'll be lucky if that's all," Todoroki growled. He really didn't like Mineta, and I gotta say, I can't blame him.

"Congrats," Tokoyami said, his mood seemed to have lifted a bit.

"That's amazing Kyoka!" Yaoyarozu cheered.

"How did you even managed to land her?" Sero asked.

"Girls' night my room right now!" Ashido sqeeled. The girls dragged Kyoka up to Ashido's room, probably to question her. I chuckled and stood to go to my room.

"Oh, you're not getting off that easily," Sero laughed grabbing my arm. He, Kirishima, Ojiro, suprisingly Todoroki and Tokoyami dragged me to one of their rooms.

Kyoka POV

Once we got to Ashido's room they slammed the door shut and sat me down in the middle of the room. They sat in a circle around me and started rapid firing questions at me.

"Guys, guys, one at a time," I said motioning them to chill out. They stopped and looked at me.

"Asui, you first," I said to the frog girl.

"How long have you been together? Ribbit," She asked.

"Two or three months," I answered.

"Who confessed to who?" Hagakure asked excitedly.

"He did first, then I did like two minutes later," I explained.

"Have you been on a date yet?" Uraraka asked next.

"Four I think,"

"Have you kissed yet?" Yaoyarozu asked.

"Y-yeah....once," I said shyly.

"Have you gone all the way!?" Ashido nearly yelled.

"What!??! Of course not!!!" I yelled angrily at her. She giggled and they continued to ask me questions.

Denki POV

They dragged me into Ojiro's room and sat me down on his bed. They all pulled chairs seemingly out of nowhere and sat down in front of me.

"So how long have you been dating exactly?" Ojiro asked.

"Almost three months," I answered.

"Why were you keeping it a secret?" Todoroki asked.

"Kyoka is very shy, she needed time before we could tell you guys. Even now she was hesitant to tell you," I explained.

"How did it happen?" Tokoyami asked.

"The night of the bonfire. I confessed to her while we were star gazing and she felt the same," I said.

"Have you kissed her yet?" Sero asked.

" time," I said quietly.

"How?" Sero pushed.

"Long story short, pocky game," I said. He chuckled and I kicked him in the shin.

"Have you-"

"No," I cut off Sero.

"How far have you gone then?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Slept in the same bed and kissed, that's it," I said sternly. They questioned me like this for about an hour. I was thankful that it was  only  a couple guys. If all of them had come, I would've flipped out. After they were done questioning me I left as quickly as I could. When I reached my room I found Kyoka about to head into hers. She looked at me and I motioned for her to come to my room. We walked into my room and sat of my bed.

"How long did they question you?" I asked her.

"About an hour, you?"

"Same. What kind of questions?" I asked.

"How long, who confessed first, how far, that kind of stuff," she said.

"Same," I said sighing. I looked at the clock I had on my night stand. 9:37.

"I'm cashing in early tonight. You wanna stay over or you heading back?" I asked.

"I'm staying here. Besides, I'm to tired to go back to my room," she said lazily.

"Your room is literally right across the hall," I said laughing. I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went to my bathroom to change. I grabbed a hoodie and some sweatpants from my dresser and tossed them to Kyoka.

"Since I can tell you're not going back to your room, you can borrow some of my clothes," I said closing the bathroom door. After a minute I cam back out with a t-shirt and work out shorts. I pulled my blanket up and climbed in with Kyoka. Almost instantly I was even more tired. I wrapped my arms around Kyoka and she snuggled into my chest.

"Good night, Kyoka."

"Good night, Denki."

And that's that! sorry for the short chapter but I don't really know how to continue this, my bad. In all honesty I think there'll only be a few more chapters. I don't know what they'll be like but I hope they're good. Till next time, and again, sorry for the short chapter

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