Sports Festival: Tournament

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*quick author's note sorry I didnt out any fanart up my phone is being really stupid right now and said something about "low memory" and jve already tried to put it up like eight different times. Anyway back to the story*

*Denki POV*

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I looked over to the desk next to Kyoka's bed to see an alarm on my phone. I read the title of the alarm; "tournament". Then it hit me. The Spprts Festival Tournament was today! I looked down to see Kyoka in the same position as the one that we went to sleep in. She looked so peaceful, plus she would be very mad if I woke her up.

Instead I just turned the alarm and sat there for a bit. After a couple minutes she started to stir in her sleep. When she woke up she looked at me in confusion, then seemed to remember what happened last night. She smiled up at me and closed her eyes in comfort.

"How long have you been up?" She asked.

"Just a couple minutes. My alarm woke me up saying that we had the rest of the festival today," I explained. She nodded in understanding.

"Well, we should probably get out of bed. As comfortable as it is we need to get going for the festival," she said. I nodded in agreement and we got out of bed together. I listened at the door for a moment before opening the door and went to my room. Once I was safe I went to my closet and got out the P.E uniform we have and put it on. I got ready for the day with the basics, brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, etc.

I went downstairs and I almost hit the floor laughing. Everyone we saw outside last night, which was everyone besides Hagakure, Ojiro, Iida, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, were all in the common room with some massive hangovers.

"YOU GUYS WOKE UP!" I yelled laughing.

"Oh you shut the hell up.....oh crap," Bakugo said as he made his way to the bathroom. This made me laugh even more.

" are you.....not like us....?" Sero asked.

"Cuz I didnt get drunk!" I said still laughing.

"But...I gave you the punch!" Ashido said.

"Yes, you did, but then Kyoka warned me, so for once I took the smart route and decided not to drink any more than the little I had. Speaking if which I must have been a little drunkncuz I do have a headache," I said walking over to the cabinet. I grabbed out some advil and a glass of water. Soon Yaoyorozu and Todoroki came downstairs and saw what was happening in the common room.

Todoroki smirked a little and Yaoyorozu sighed and shook her head at the idiocy of our class. Not long after them Iida came down and scolded those who got drunk, while the three of us just stayed in the kitchen. Ojiro and Hagakure came down afterwards, Ojiro supporting Hagakure with standing what she stumbled into the common room. She must have said something along the lines of "I'm gonna puke" because Ojiro sighed and walked to the little mix gender one stall bathroom to help her.

When Kyoka came down she almost fell to the floor laughing like I did.

"Mornin Kyoka," I said. She nodded in acknowledgment and walked over to the pantry to get something to eat. I did the same and when I got close enough to where no one would hear I asked her something.

"Are we gonna tell them or no?" I whispered as I grabbed some pop tarts. She shook her head and I nodded in understanding. I walked over to our oversized toaster that we got for some reason and put them in. While they were in there I walked to the fridge and grabbed the jug of apple juice and poured me a cup. I looked over to see Ashido staring at the toaster waiting for my pop tarts to come out. When they did she jumped about six feet in the air and I almost dropped my juice.

I grabbed a plate and put the pop tarts on it. I started eating while watching chaos unfold in front of me. Kyoka sat next to me to do the same. Bakugo was yelling at Kirishima for letting him get drunk while Kirishima was luckily not dead and yelling back that he got drunk with Tetsutetsu first so he couldn't do anything. It sounded like Hagakure was still throwing up in the bathroom and I saw Ojiros' tail twitching in probably disgust.

"I am so glad I didnt get drunk last night," Kyoka said. I nodded in agreement and continued to watch the chaos.

"Hey, has anyone seen Midoriya?" Kyoka asked suddenly. Then I remembered that I hadn't seen him that much at the bonfire.

"You dont think he's been training all night do you?" I asked.

"Ochako went to go find him a while ago," Tsu said. Just then the door opened to reveille Uraraka holding Midoriya over her shoulder. Uraraka walked over to the couch and set him down.

"He was out training, I found him passed out at his usual training spot," Uraraka explained. Now everyone was trying to wake him up.

"Step aside guys, I got this," I said. They stopped all the loud noises they were making and let me walk over to him. I wanted to test a theory I had, so I decided to say two things to him.

"All Might said he wanted to go training with you," I whispered in his ear. He sat just as still as before. Then I whispered something else. "Uraraka said she was going to visit her parents for a week," I whispered. He shot up and looked around confused. I just winked slyly at him and walked back to the kitchen. I finished up my breakfast and made my way to school.

"What did you say to him?" Kyoka asked.

"I just told him that Uraraka said she was going to visit her parents," I said quietly. She giggled at this and kept walking. It was nice to see that the stress about her dad seemed to be kept at bay. I smiled a little, seeing her like this makes me happy.

School came and went, nothing really important was going on, just talk about the Sports Festival. But once the Sports Festival actually came around, that was when it would get interesting.


The first event was the obstacle race. The first obstical was the zero pointers from the entrance exam. I managed to get pass them, but barely. Kyoka did to, and it looked like she was doing better than I was. Next was the tightrope walk. That was difficult for me, very difficult. People like Iida just skid across the rope, but not me, I had to pinch my way to the other side. By the time I made it to the other side I was farther down in the rankings than before. By now I was practically sprinting. I passed a couple people and managed to get back up, but then came the mine field.

"Man, how am I gonna get pass this?" I asked myself. I looked ahead to see Bakugo blasting his way over them and Todoroki using his ice to glide across. Then I had an idea. If I could control my electricity just enough to fry the circuits on the mines ahead of me, I could get my safely. I managed to get about halfway in, but by then a couple people already finished. I got a little irritated and accidentally let out to much electricity.

"Ah crap," I said. Bot a second later I was blasted forward. When I hit the ground, I was shot forward again. This happened for about a minute longer before I flew across the finish line.

"Oww," I groaned. Bakugo walked up to me and practically threw my on to my feet from the waist. I landed on my feet and dusted myself off.

"Thanks," I said. He grunted in response and walked away. It was announced that the next event would be a cavalry battle. Once I had a team we were ready to go and waited for the bell to start.

*time skip bc I cant remember the cavalry battle teams besides Midoriya's*

After the cavalry battle the tournament was announced. I had managed to land a spot in it because I had been on one of the qualifying teams. Unfortunately Kyoka didnt make it but she said she didnt mind. After that we started the tournament off with Midoriya vs some kid names Shinso.....

*sorry it took me so long to post this I've had a lot to do with school and only just finished this now sorry*

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