All Good Things Come To An End

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Kyoka POV

When I woke up, I instantly wish I was back asleep. It didn't even look like the sun was up, because it looked like the sun wasn't even up, but once my eyes adjusted, it became clear the sun was very much up, and if I had to guess, it was already around ten. I was confused when I realized how comfortable I was. I had slept on couches before and they were never this comfortable. I looked down to realize that I was laying on top of Denki, a blanket resting on top of me and falling to cover Denki where I wasn't already lying. My mind split in two. I debated between jumping off and running to another room, or falling back asleep and pretending like I didn't know. On one hand, I was on top of him, which made my cheeks burn, and if he woke up and saw me like this, it would be very bad. On the other hand, it was very comfortable and welcoming, plus, he looked kinda cute like this- wait, what!?

Denki started to stir in his sleep. I froze in a panic, not knowing what to do. He slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness. He looked up at me to see my face turn tomato red as my eyes widened to disks. As soon as I could I jumped up off of him, landing next to the coffee table in the middle of the living room as he rolled over, landing on the floor with his face in the ground before he popped up and waved his hands in defense.

"Holycrapimsosorryididntrealizewhatiwasdoingididntmeenitsorry!" We said at the said time.

We both paused, looking up in confusion as a new scent wafted into the room. We made our way into the kitchen to be met with my dad, standing over the grill with a pan of eggs cooking.

"Mornin love birds! Eggs, bacon and sausage are already there on the counter, so take as much as you want," He greeted us as we walked in.

"D-Dad!" I yelled at him, which he just chuckled at. Denki remained silent as he coughed awkwardly.

"Go ahead and sit down, I'll be done with the eggs in a minute," Dad told us, motioning to the plates on the table.

"Hey dad, when did we fall asleep?" I asked.

"Hmm . . . probably around midnight if I had to guess," he answered after a moment.

"We only stayed up to midnight?" I questioned. Normally either of us could stay up much later than that.

"Well, I'm guessing you had a pretty tiring week, so I imagine you needed some rest to keep up with your schedule," Dad guessed.

"He's got a point. Anyway, what should we do today?" Denki asked after agreeing.

"Why don't we go to the game store?" Dad suggested.

"That sounds good. I was thinking about getting a new console anyway, mine's started to break down slowly but surely," I agreed.

"Great, let's do it," Denki said. We finished breakfast before heading to the car.

"So what kind of music do kids listen to nowadays anyway?" Dad asked as he connected his phone to the car and pulled up Pandora.

"I'm cool with anything, so long as it isn't jazz," Denki answered.

"Same, but I prefer older music," I answered.

"Well, that sounds like my kind of music," he answered as he selected a certain playlist and started driving. It was a silent drive for the most part, the only sound being the hum of the car as we drove along the backroads and the radio.

"Do you have any preference for a game store?" Dad asked as we pulled into the parking lot for the local outlet.

"I'm cool with whatever," I answered.

"Actually, would you mind if we went to GameStop?" Denki asked.

"Classic, I like it," Dad said as we made our way to the hole in the wall store.

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