7: New Feelings

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Kaylan couldn't hide her smile whenever she thought of how things seemed to be working out nicely for her.

The office rang and she picked as usual.
'Layo Homes and Architecture Ltd, how may I be of help?' She said kindly, maintaining a professional air.

She had learnt in one of the many books she had been reading recently that the person at the other end could hear a smile a phone call away and though it seemed silly she felt it might be true.

'Who are you?' A well-spoken woman demanded.

Kaylan was taken aback. This was a professional line and she had stated that this was a company line. 'This is Kaylan from Layo Homes and Architecture, how may I be of help to you madam?'

'Give the phone to Layo.' The woman ordered.

Kaylan felt annoyed. She glanced at Layo who distracted by looking at her.

'Who is it?' He asked.

'I have no idea, it's a she – gave no name and demands to speak to you.' She said.

'Forward the call to me then.' He said tiredly. Recently, the workload was becoming unbearable, but then Kayla would think about how it was just a matter of time before she got out of here and they expanded.

'Evelyn, is that you?' Layo exclaimed.

Kaylan had never seen Layo act out of his broody or commanding mannerisms until now.

'No, I have free time.' He said.

Kaylan felt a mild stab in her chest.  She tried to tune him out and returned to the proposal she was drafting.

'You spoke for a long time.' She noted.

'Yes, that's my childhood friend.' He nodded pleasantly. 'Please reschedule my appointment for this evening to next week. The vendor won't be available for the rest of the week until next week.

'But I thought it was important that we finalise the deal with Mrs Femi tonight. I can handle it.' She begged.

He thought about this and nodded. 'I trust you wouldn't disappoint me.' He said.

'Of course, I wouldn't.' She said, trying to breathe evenly. She could never get used to his severe look. These days it made her feel cold. She needed vacation with her friends, but she couldn't risk the promotion for a few days vacation.

'She must be really important for you to leave your work for her.' She pointed out.

'I haven't seen her in ages.' He shrugged. 'Could you arrange a feminine gift? I'll be leaving in about 30 minutes.

'Don't worry, I will go myself. There is a gift shop across the road.

'Thank you.' Had said, bending to peer into his drawers, searching for something.

Kaylan excused herself and shut the door behind her.

Despite the urgency she decided that taking the stairs was better. She needed to clear her head as well as her feelings. It did not seem right to be having romantic feelings towards her boss.

Maybe she was spending too much time with him. Things like that could affect a person; two people in the same office space alone every week and every Saturday. It was not normal.

She crossed the street not realising that another vehicle was coming along at a high speed.

When she turned to see what the screech of tires was about it was too late. She was flung in the air and hit the ground, losing consciousness.

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