2: The Interview

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Kaylan sat down on the nearest seat to catch her breath. She whipped out her phone to assure herself that the address was correct.

It was correct.

She took out a tissue to wipe her dusty polished shoes. They were sensible shoes. She straightened her suit and peered at each door until she saw the one she was looking for.

'Great' she said, 'fighting' she fisted her palms in imitation of the Korean films she was always binge-watching.

She knocked on the door, leaning closer to hear a remarkable voice ordering her to come in.

She did as told, shutting the door nervously behind her. In truth, this was her first job interview in officially two years of internet applications. She thought of how she had stupidly waddled her time away, instead of building her resume.

The only thing she had there was her schooling, hobbies and not much to talk about really. She felt cold and her body was warm. She pulled her jacket closer to her body.

'Please sit.' The man behind the magnificent desk offered.

She nodded and sat down, feeling like a mouse. This really who she was. She was Kaylan Kwamne, outgoing IT girl in her school days, now she was the free friend with nothing on her hands. She had squandered her wealth away. It had been foolish of her.

She saw that the man was glaring at her. 'Excuse me, did you say something?' She asked.

'I think I'll get back to you.' He said icily.

She knew what 'I think I'll get back to you' meant. It meant he wasn't going to reach out to her anymore.

'Please give me a chance.' She begged.

'I have a line of people to attend to. Will you keep your dignity and get out of my office madam.' He snapped.

Kaylan realized that she had been kneeling. She felt humiliated. 'You need me just as much as I need you and I don't see anyone else out there.' Kaylan argued. She had arrived ten minutes late surprised to see no one else but her.

It wasn't an impressive place to begin with, just a decent hub space for entrepreneurs. He had an office to himself.

'You need to give me a chance.' She gritted.

'Fine' he snapped.

Kaylan stared in surprise. 'Just like that sir.' She wondered aloud.

'Your pay is 30k monthly, non-negotiable.'

'But it says here' she said pulling out her android from her bag, 'that the pay is—'

Take it or leave it.

'I was expecting a minimum of 50k' she insisted.

'You know where the door is.' He grumbled, turning to his paperwork.

She stood contemplative. She might just be able to talk him into giving her a raise. 'Okay... I'll take it.'

'Good' he looked up.

'So, do I start today or...' She asked.

' You can start right away.' He beamed, pushing back his seat to stand. 'Nice to meet you miss Kwamne... And you can call me Layo, not sir.'

'Layo' Kaylan received the handshake that Layo offered to her. 'I prefer KK.'

'As in Kim Kardashian?' He gave an abused frown.

'Not a bad comparison. I do admire her. She's a multi-faceted achiever.'

'I do second that.' He nodded, but I could care less as I hardly have time to watch reality TV and such. I prefer the news.' He said, returning to his seat and turning more serious.

'This is my space I presume.' She gestured at the only desk she could find in the moderately sized office.

'Yes, please make yourself useful. I'll make my schedule available to you before the end of the day.'

'Sure thing boss.' She grinned, feeling enthusiastic.

'Layo.' He corrected, ignoring her promptly.

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