3: First task

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Kaylan was growing exhausted with sitting for so long. She kept glancing at Layo, who had been glaring at his laptop and tapping at it as if it had done him wrong. This went on for almost an hour.

She glanced at her wristwatch. It was 6:00 pm. She should have asked him what time she was supposed to close. She shifted in her seat and started gathering her things more to gain attention.

He looked up, momentarily surprised to see her. 'Oh... Kk...' He squinted. 'Is it time for you to go home?' He asked.

'Yes,' she said.

'Stay a little longer and I'll drop you off. It isn't safe to be walking around at this time.' He said.

'I came here just fine on my own. I can make it back safely... Um... Layo.'

He nodded. 'There are ongoing protests across the country. It's endsars. It seems to me that it will be reaching the secretariat regions and that's not too far from the governor's road. Is that not your area?' He asked.

'Sure.' She remembered that her contact details, as well as her address, were provided on her resume.

'I live there as well.' He said. 'I just need to send you a few things and we can be off.' He said.

In another hour or so he was done and they dropped into the elevator, quietly staring at the numbers go down until it clicked at the ground floor and whipped open slowly.

They stepped into the reception area and strolled to where his car was parked. It was a brand new Venza with a dusty plate number.

Kaylan hopped into the seat beside Layo and secured her seat belt. She watched him reverse out of the compound and drive his way out into the wider parts of the road.

'Since I'm here with you I really wouldn't mind if you told me more about Layo Homes and Architecture.' She said.

The road was traffic-free and it was growing pretty dark.

'We specialise in estate management, but we deal in modernised architecture. The problem is just that majority of our clients want cheaper housing with basic amenities.' He grumbled.

'And you don't want that.' She asked, noticing the turn of his tone.

'No, these days every Jack and Harry knows to build economic friendly houses, but if we keep this going we could be risking tourism and green life.' He said, turning the car to a street.

'I understand that tourism can be affected.' She said. 'But where do trees come in here?' She asked.

'We are in a century of fast-growing tech and industry with people too concerned with daily living and less care for how they treat the environment.' He said

'Bad economy affecting the environment... But that's more up to the government. The common man can barely make ends meet.'

'Yes, I know this.' He nodded. 'But we are part of this government and little changes we try to make can affect our environment... The system of the environment will change, but not it's people. The people remain the same and we get stuck here you know.'

'Easy to say Layo, but not easily done.' She pointed out.

'Yes, but we don't have to give up. We can make little changes in our little way.'

'You have great ideas and I do look forward to participating in this grand scheme of yours... Technology and nature coexisting side by side.' She smiled.

Layo pulled down at the front of her gate. 'Goodnight, 8:00 am prompt.' He said seriously.

'Yes sir,' she laughed.

'Layo' he corrected. 'And please dress corporate casual. We might be having an appointment tomorrow.' He pointed out.

As soon as she stepped down and shut the door he was already driving away.

It was quite dark. Kaylan fished through her bag for her keys and let herself in.

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