5: Presentation

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They rode quietly in the car, with Layo concentrating on beating traffic at record speed.

In a short while, they pulled up at a towering building and strode to the gate. The security asked a few questions and Layo filled out a form. They were directed to take the elevator to one of the floors.

Kaylan could hardly think straight, practically running after Layo.

They entered into the elevator and he took the opportunity to brief her on Glory Homes and a few things she needed to do while he made his presentation.

She whipped out a similar notepad she had often seen him scribble on and took notes.

As soon as the elevator opened a reception desk awaited them, bearing a middle-aged woman who took their time with her precision of wanting to know what they wanted and if they had an appointment and making them sit while she made a long call.

Layo was irritable. 'She should have known this.' He hissed. 'The appointment was slated since last week, but the presentation was emailed just this morning.'

Kaylan nodded in understanding, mentally preparing herself for the meeting that was about to happen.

After what was an hour the secretary instructed them to go in. Layo strode in confidently, but by now she knew him enough to know that he was tense with his restlessness.

She was not surprised, he was a workaholic, but he had been made to sit out at the reception for 60 minutes tapping through his phone and making one phone call.

'Mr Layode Mckay.' A friendly man greeted, stooping forward to shake his hand, but on second thought took it back. Handshakes these days could be deadly because of the covid-19 pandemic.

Kaylan remembered that she hadn't thought of that when the had been employed into Layo's company and made a mental note of that.

'Here's the slide.' Layo placed a flash drive into her waiting palms and they strode into a conference room.

About 15 people were sitting expectantly. They all looked like executives and were also wearing face masks.

Layo greeted everyone and sat down where he was directed. Kaylan sat beside him and switched on the laptop, listening to one of the executives talk about Glory Homes and what they were expecting.

It turned out that Layo's company was not yet hired, but they were considering investing in his new project.

On the other hand, Kaylan, slotted the flash and searched for the PowerPoint presentation.

In no time that it took for about four or so of the directors to speak than Layo was asked to stand and give his brief presentation.

Kaylan stared intently at him making sure not to miss his hand gestures and his words. They were rather moving and it occurred to her that he had managed to remodify her ideas of economic residents with his idea of an eco-friendly, modern housing proposal.

At the end of the presentation ,Kaylan felt inspired and joined in the round of applause.

The partnership was finalised on the spot.

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