"Her name is Louise. Be gentle with her. Show her that charm you have, and she will respond well. You may need to win her over, but I can tell," she said, patting Eren's cheek, "that's what you like!"

She walked away to make sure the rest of the men had everything they wanted, including any drugs. Meanwhile, Eren faced the girl in front of him.

"Uh ... hi," he said awkwardly. "I'm Eren."

She lowered her head, obviously nervous.

"Hey," he said softly. "Don't worry. I would never do anything you don't want."

She looked up, and Eren could tell that she did not believe him. He thought frantically.

"Would you like some food? Something to drink?" Still, she said nothing. "Louise, right? I told you, don't worry. Come on." He took her hand, and instantly she went stiff. "It's okay. We'll sit at a table and you can eat."

He found a table for the two of them against the wall, and Louise obediently ate the food Eren ordered for her. Mostly, she just sat with her eyes downcast.

"She said you were French," he mentioned casually. "Where are you from?"

"Nearby," she said, her lips shivering. "Mécleuves, to the south."

"Did you come to Metz for work?"

Her breath caught sharply, and she hesitated before shaking her head. "Not quite. Soldiers came to my family's farm and demanded that I come along. They did that to all the farmers, any girls sixteen or older, at least a hundred of us."

Eren's brow tightened. "You were kidnapped?"

She looked aside. "I'm not supposed to talk about that."

Instantly sympathizing, Eren reached across the table and took her hand. Louise jolted, but when she looked at Eren, she saw nothing but pity.

"I will not do anything you don't want to do, I swear."

She looked confused and even more scared. "I'm ... I'm supposed to—"

"Keep me company," he cut in. "You are right now, just like this."

She shook her head. "But, later, I'm ... we're going to..." Her voice hitched in terror.

"Hey," he said softly. Eren thought back through what little French he had learned and remembered one phrase he had committed to memory. "Vous êtes en sécurité avec moi." You're safe with me.

Her eyes went huge at hearing the gentle words in her own language, and a tiny smile of hope fluttered on his pale, trembling lips. "Parlez-vous français, monsieur?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm afraid not. A good man taught me a few words, that's all. How do you know German?"

"My grandfather is a German. He lives with us ... or, he did," she said, ending in a whisper.

"Did he move because of the war?"

She slowly shook her head. "When the soldiers came, he went out to speak with them. He argued that since I was a quarter German, I should be spared. They said they might have considered it if I had been half German, but not a quarter. He pulled a gun on them and told me to run." Her eyes began to bead up with tears. "They shot him. I don't know if he's dead or alive."

Eren gave her hand a squeeze. Then he pulled out his handkerchief and handed it over. Louise dabbed her eyes and tried to hold back any other tears.

"I ended up with Madame Carly because I speak German, and I said I would come willingly if they spared the rest of my family."

"That was brave of you, and it was a sacrifice you should not have been forced to make."

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