Secret // M. McCarthy Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I know," Kitty smiles. "But you need to wait for him to decide what he wants and change accordingly."

You frown as Kitty says that, but you can understand why. "Yeah."

"Three days." Kitty says bluntly. "Give him three days, and if he hasn't reached out to you, and told Madison, then it's over. That's a fair amount of time for him, but also means that you won't be just waiting around for ever, and he'll know you're not waiting around for him. You, (Y/N), are a strong independent woman, who doesn't need a man to make her happy. You got this."

A soft smile brushes across your face as Kitty finishes. "You know Kitty, for someone who is often such a bitch, you're a pretty good friend."

"Hey!" Kitty protests. "Don't you go telling anyone that I'm not always a bitch."

You let out a soft chuckle.

"How about we study tomorrow, and today we go and get piping hot hot chocolates from the Lima Bean?" Kitty says.

"I'd like that." You say, before putting your key into the ignition.


"Are you feeling okay?" Your mum asks that night at the dinner table. "You've hardly eaten a thing, and now you're just pushing your food around on your plate.'

"Yeah," you sigh, placing your fork down gently, finally giving up your meal. "Just boy stuff."

"Oh?" Your mum says. "Did Mason do something?"

Your lips quivers when your mum mentions his name, but you manage to maintain some composure.

"It's not 'what' he did," You sigh, "it's what he didn't do."

Your mum raises an eyebrow, so you know that you'll need to elaborate.

"You know how Mason and I were keeping our relationship quiet for a while because of his sister?" You begin.

"Yes." Your mum nods.

"Well, it's gone on for too long and I just broke." You mumble. "And I told him that if he couldn't consider my feelings and finally tell her, it was over."

"And what did he say about that?" Your mum asks.

Your lip quivers, "He let me walk away. I-If you don't mind, I really just want to be alone."

You then get up from your seat and walk towards your room, leaving your dinner plate on the table.


For the next hour you tried your best to keep your eyes off of your phone, because you kept being disappointed when you would look and Mason hadn't called or texted or done anything to even suggest that he was thinking of you. You tried to watch movie on Netflix but you couldn't concentrate, and you even tried to go to bed but you couldn't fall asleep.

You were finally about to doze off when there was a knock at the door. You ignore it at first, expecting that it would just be your little brother trying to mess with you, but your mum calls out.

"(Y/N), there's a visitor down the hall for you." She says, causing you to open your eyes abruptly.

"Who is it?" You ask, standing up to put your cardigan on.

"It's Madison." Your mum says, causing your stomach to flip with nerves.

You follow your mum down the hallway to the front door, where Madison was standing. You almost didn't recognise her with her hair down, wearing a green knitted sweater and jeans instead of her cheerios uniform.

"Hi." You whisper pulling the front door ajar behind you. You usually would have let her inside, but you thought outside was safer if you needed to escape, and it wasn't too cold. It was only raining a little bit.

"Hey," She smiles, before taking a seat down on the patio bench and signalling for you to do the same.

"S-So I'm guessing that Mason told you." You stutter, finding it difficult to look her in the eye.

"He did.' Madison replies, "and I'm sorry."

You turn to face her as she apologises, as you almost can't believe the words coming from her mouth.

"You don't need to be sorry," You whisper. "It was Mason's decision not to tell you about us.
"I know," Madison says, smiling softly, "but I made it hard for him to tell me, so I'm sorry about that."

You don't reply.

"Look, (Y/N)," Madison says after a moment of silence. "Mason loves you, please don't let this be it."

"But-" You begin, but Madison cuts you off.

"I'm okay that you two are together," She smiles. "I just went crazy trying to stop him from growing up because I thought it would stop me from growing up too, because I'm not ready for a relationship or anything like that. But that doesn't mean that he's not. We might be twins, but we aren't the same."

"I-I don't know what to say." You whisper once Madison finishes explaining.

"You don't need to say anything to me." She says, standing up, her car keys in hand. "There's someone else you need to talk to."

As if on cue, Mason's car pulls up in front of your house, and Madison gets in hers and drives away. You stand on your patio as the rain starts to pick up, but Mason gestures for you to come to him.

"Are you crazy? It's raining." You call.

"I'm crazy about you." He calls back. "So, come here."

You jug across the lawn, shielding your face from the rain with your hand. Mason immediately engulfs you in a hug, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around.

"I'm sorry." He says, as he places you down gently. "I shouldn't have asked you to hide our relationship – especially not for that long. I love you so so so much, and I want the whole world to know that."

The rain then starts to fall even harder, making your shriek. "I love you too, but couldn't you have told me that under the patio?"

"I could have," Mason smirks. "But then we couldn't have done this."

He then takes your hand and spins you around and you begin to dance together slowly in the rain.


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I posted. I've just been super busy with work and also just super exhausted, but hopefully I'll start writing some more.

Much love,

Will xo

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