Chapter 6

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I am going to show Myka Doronath that he is no longer the best assassin in Ravenstorm. I am going to show him that he isn't even on my level. I walk through the main square of High Ward, my hood covering my face and horns, and my tail hidden in the skirt of my dress, my leather gloves, imbued with a special mechanism that shoots out a dagger for an extra special punch, covers my red skin. As strange as I must look so covered up, at least I don't look like a devil. I enter the fine building of The Golden Fountain, one of, if not the best, taverns in all of Ravenstorm. I keep my head down and silently observe my target: Marc Horkan, a wealthy merchant who owns the majority of the weaponries in Ravenstorm. The reason for his being my target is that he provides Myka with his weapons.

"One Devil's Breath on Horkan's tab please." I say to the barkeep as I sit down next to Horkan himself. Horkan glares at me, clearly not recognizing me from previous meetings.

"Who are you?" he asks, trying to peer under my hood to get a glimpse of my face.

"I work for The Guild. He wants you to know that your deal is up. He is going to use Roren Kaylor from now on." I say. He is Myka, of course, but no one knows his name. Horkan looks shocked. "Why? We have been working together for years? This is so abrupt. Have my weapons not been up to standard?" The barkeep comes over with my Devils Breath. I sip it before responding.

"Look, I don't make the decisions, I am just the messenger. If you want to bill him extra this month, go ahead, you don't need to send any weapons though." I down the drink in a single gulp. "Thanks. That hit the spot. Look, it's nothing personally, Roren is offering a better deal and He wants to take it. If you have an issue with that, feel free to take it up with him, or me, but I am not sure you are quite prepared for either of those options."

"I'll lower the price! How much is Roren selling for?"

"That was not disclosed to me" I shrug. "Do you want me to tell him anything for you?"

Horkan's nostrils flare as he says, "Tell him he is a pig, and that I hope he gets caught and executed!" He stands up and storms out of the tavern, but not before downing the last of his whiskey that I had discretely poisoned. 

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