Chapter 3

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I startle at the words. For a moment the images that arise are of my human parents, but that's not who she is talking about. My mother, who I know nothing about. Who I grew up believing left me to die alone, or preferably, died nobly protecting me. Whose face I imagined looked someone similar to mine, sharp cheekbones, full lips, curly black hair, and a variety of different shades of red skin.

"What do you know about my mother?" I ask, alarmed by her proposal.

"In time, darling." I scowl at the word darling."You must succeed in your job if you are to earn that precious information. I must see if you are worthy of her legacy. But I will raise the price to one thousand gold pieces. Seems a trivial matter when gold is so easy to come by and souls are the only true currency that matters." She moves toward the table and gracefully lifts a wine glass. She pours a thick red liquid into it that I suspect is not wine. She takes a swig from it and says "Well? I need it done soon if I am to return to Hellspire by the end of the month," she says, carefully emphasizing the word Hellspire. Hellspire is something I thought was only a legend. I perch myself on the arm of one of the chairs. The leather is soft and feels worn, but it looks brand new.

"Fine," I say, almost stumbling over my words. "I will accept. But! I have to ask. Will you take me to Hellspire with you?" I swallow down the lump in my throat, hoping and praying that she can't see or hear the nerves I am struggling to hold in.

"Do you want something to drink dear?"

"Sure, Angel's Kiss, if you have it," she chuckles at the mention of the finest liquor sold in Ravenstorm.

"Any devil-kin who wants to go to Hellspire shall be invited. Considering your skill, I am sure you will be a most warm welcome, particularly since you have barely begun to recognize your power.," She walks to the liquor cabinet and selects a bottle and pours. She hands me a crystal glass with amber liquid inside. "And I will take you there so no need to worry, assuming you complete my job and survive. Now tell me, what do you know of Hellspire?" I drain my glass, gulping down the nerves built up in my throat.

"Not a lot. Mostly just legends. The ground is made of molten lava, the devils there eat humans for special holidays, that kind of crap. My personal favorite, there is no punishment for murder, you can kill whoever you want and get away with it. But I am sure not all of these are true. What can you tell me?" She smiles, one that could easily mean, I am going to gut the humans who started these fables.

"Well for starters, the ground is not made of lava, it is marble. We eat the most delicious food. Not humans, of course. That would be disgusting," she says as she laughs and sips from her goblet. "There are rules, but, it is also survival of the fittest. The stronger devil wins, why should they be blamed. In most cases, there is a trial based on the severity of the crime, either an official from the court presides or," she pauses now and leans back into her chair. "sometimes the King presides, or even, a Prince of Hell if the crime is that serious. But that rarely ever happens. Well, that is all I shall tell you for now."

"Thank you. I will see to your job before the end of the week." I stare into Imnirith's black eyes.

"Well we have a deal. Take the whip, it's yours for now. At least until you prove yourself worthy, or it devours you." She smiles, golden capped fangs gleaming, as she hands me the box. She ushers me out with a wave of her hand.

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