new ♪ reggie peters

Start from the beginning

you walked around the corner to where a normal door stood as another entry way into the garage, and took a deep breath before inviting yourself inside.

the boys laughter stopped as the door clicked open, and you immediately regretted your decisions as all their gazes turned to you.

"uh-" you lost your ability to speak, "i-i'm just-" you couldn't seem to form a sentence, but another voice interrupted you anyway.

"hey, what are you doing here?" julie came out of the garages bathroom, with an alarmed but seeming to be sweet tone within her voice.

the molina girl was currently trying to tell what exactly was going on. your eyes seemed to be landing exactly on the three ghosts next to her, but she wasn't ready to give up the secret just yet.

"um," suddenly, you were able to speak, "i just heard your music, and i was trying to study... and i just wanted to see what was going on." you laughed as you looked back toward the boys, letting your usually sassy self come out a bit, "would've never guessed you had boys over." julies eyebrows raised.

"you can see us!?" one of them, wearing an orange beany, stood up and spoke. you rose a brow.

"um, yeah." you spoke matter-of-factly, shifting backwards on your heels.

"so," another boy stood up, putting a hand on the first boys shoulder trying to tell him not to act anymore suspicious, "do you like what you hear?" he sent a wink your way, and your stomach felt suddenly light.

"uh," you cringed, "i'm not really the rock and roll kinda girl," the boys stature seemed to drop, and julies face cringed. you immediately felt bad, knowing that getting on julies good side was a goal of yours, "but, if i was..." you smirked as the boys glances jumped up to meet yours, "it sounded pretty good!"

they all sighed, and you beamed inwardly as you watched julies smile widen, "i guarantee if you stay for a bit longer, you'll come to like this band of mine." you lifted a brow, taking the girl up on her offer. you slide off your coat, throwing it to land on the couch next to the door.

"i'm reggie." the second boy that had spoken walked slowly over to you, smiling wide as he took your hand in his. julie introduced you to the group, and they insisted on playing a song for you.

you sat on the couch, nodding your head to beat along with the music. and julie was right, once the volume was turned down a bit, and you saw the looks on the boys faces as they jammed, the music did become much better.

and, as you stared at the raven haired bassist, that butterfly feeling in your stomach grew that much more.

the bassist wondered if the girl sitting across from him knew how beautiful she was, or if the lightheaded feeling he had was affecting the song at all. seeing that you were smiling and dancing along, he guessed you were enjoying the scene just as much as he was.

♫ ♥

"thanks for chilling with us!" julie smiled over at you as you grabbed your jacket to head home.

"thanks for letting me." you softly smiled at julie, who sent one back.

but it slowly turned into a frown, "i'm sorry if my behavior has seem kinda," she searched for the right words, "shady, recently. it's not you at all-"

you stopped her, "no, julie. it's your mom, and i completely understand." you smiled, "don't even worry about it." julie embraced you in a hug, shocked at how mature you were handling this situation. how much more of julie you truly saw then what she showed you herself.

"thank you." she muttered in your hair.

"somebody need a walk home?" reggies voice made julie pull away from you, and you rose your gaze to meet his.

you smiled, "sure, bass boy."

julie sent an odd look to the pair, but stepped back all the same. reggie opened the door for you, letting you slip out as you placed your hat on.

"so," he awkwardly walked next to you as you started your way next door, "how do you know julie?" you both dug your hands into your jacket pockets, the air around you being cold enough to see your breaths.

"uh, well," you laughed, "my mother fell in love with her dad. not awkward at all." reggie laughed at your joke, nodding his head.

"yeah, that's bound to create an odd relationship." he smiled over at you, and you rolled your eyes.

"you seemed to be pretty good in there though," he said, referencing your relationship with the brown haired girl.

"so did you." you met his gaze, referencing something completely different.

he let his hand slip into yours, stepping up to your front door.

"so, where's your dad then?" reggie immediately regretted the sensitive question the second it came out of his mouth, he was just thinking out loud.

"sorry!" he said, putting his hands up, "you don't need to-"

"no, no." you interrupted the panicked boy, "it's okay. my dad was never in the picture."

the boy nodded, casting his eyes down to his feet, "i'm sorry."

you shrugged, "no biggie."

the pair shared an awkward moment, but it was nice all the same. peaceful even, as the crickets began to chirp around you.

"see you around, bass boy." you whispered, squeezing his hand. you walked over to your door, holding onto his hand as long as you could.

he let his arm reach out to stay attached to yours, letting go as he muttered "i sure hope so."

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now