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"Where's Fen now?" Ocean sighed as he walked around the minecraft world, his armor keeping him cold in the hot deserts, where they had traced Fennel to. "I swear, we've tried everything."

Wither suddenly ender pealed to Ocean and Astaishio, panting as he finally caught up. "Why'd you leave so quickly?" he panted "I'm fuckin' short, I can't keep up!"

"We don't know where Fen when." Astaishio sighed, the three's chat frantic, thinking the male died and was beating the crap out of his desk.

"Hold on, I know what to do." Wither's avatar had a sick smile across his face "POKEMON SUCKS!" His loud yell echoed throughout the world, he knew how to yell.

They were startled when they heard a yell back, up on the mountain not too far to their right, on their left the beginning of a savanna.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK, TOE FETISH!" Fennel threw the ender pearl, the squishy body part landing in the sand, the item breaking to reveal Fennel in a swoosh of particles.

Ocean and Astaishio wheezed with laughter as Wither snorted.

"Toe fetish?!" Ocean was crying with laughter "Why Toe Fetish?!"

"Why are you judging my man's fetishes?" Fennel asked, pointing an enchanted trident at Ocean "I will make you sushi instead of Wither!"

"YOU DON'T SCARE US!" Astaishio yelled with laughter. Fennel was about to sick the dogs on them (For the seventh time in four days), but then, something popped up in the game chat.

<DreamXD joined the game>
<DreamXD> I have a score to settle.
<Feniskindadr0nk> go away, gay boy.
<Mossbrain> Dream kinda cringe
<Ashenfox> Fen d'ya wanna take him on?
<Oceanfinnacry> How'd he even get on?

"I think he asked me to whitelist that account." Fennel yawned as Milo sat at his side, trapping Fennel's feet to the floor. "Thought it was a sister of somethin'."

Ocean yawned wonder how good he'll be with nothin'."

Wither peered around Fennel at the sound of footsteps as they walked back to their town.

Stood in front of them, was Dream. The four peered at him, fully clad in netherite armor, a sword to call his own.

"Well, this just got interesting." The chats could hear Ocean's smirk. the only one of the group not streaming was Fennel, he was tired. The door opened, and in waltzed Benji and Chex, both of them wanting to be around the male for some reason.

"Alright." A sword was drawn from Fennel's side, chat couldn't tell which. "Let's dance."

Fennel and Dream shot forward at the same time, Dream going for critical hits, though Fennel dodged at the last second, not getting a hit himself. Dream's mask, though secured on tightly, was starting to waver, as if about to fall. The male's hoodie was soon dotted with blood from many cuts that were ripped in the gaps of his armor. Fennel still had no wounds.

As Fennel blocked on of Dream's attacks, the male suddenly launched himself back, pulling out a bow at lightning speed and shooting at Fennel.

The male was too slow, and an arrow was lodged in his throat, stopping at the middle of the shaft, skewing both sides.

But Fennel acted as though it was merely a bruise, snapping one end off and pulling out the other with such brutal movements that someone would think he was losing hearts as blood pooled from his neck, drenching his armor in a greenish-blue glow.

Fennel launched forward, avoiding trees as he ducked out of the way of Dream's sword, an Axe in his hands suddenly, the male using it's weight to swing himself around quickly and chop off an arm.

Dream seemed to grunt before going at Fennel again, the other male having switched back to a sword, waiting. As Dream brought down his sword to Fennel's head, Fennel stabbed up, skewering the male so high up to where he couldn't stab Fennel, even if he was almost as tall as the male.

Blood pooled from the mouth behind the mask, Fennel not even looking up as the crimson substance dripped down onto his helmet, the blood running down the sword soaking his hands.

<DreamXD was slain by Feniskindadr0nk using [Disappointed But Not Surprised]>
<DreamXD left the game>

"That was quicker than I thought." Ocean said as Fennel popped open a bottle of bubblegum pink shimmering liquid, chugging the substance in one gulp. The wound through his neck patched together, leaving a nasty scar.

It was like that on most of his body, scars from being struck by lightning, scars from being blown up by TNT and creepers, skeleton shots, zombie and spider bites, hell, he was even beaten up by a golem once, and it was all written on his arms and legs and face, he was a warrior.

"SUCK IT YOU BITCH ASS LIMA BEAN FUCKER!" Maybe not as polite of a warrior.

"YOU GO FEN! YOU KICKED HIS ASS!" And his grey partner.

They all laughed, walking away, leaving Dream's stuff on the ground, where the world would swallow it up in five minutes, grass growing over the armor and sword, animals taking the food, and anything else sinking into the dirt.

"What's the next big project for you?" Ocean asked Fennel, knowing that the other male only ever built in different dimensions, where nobody really went. "Let me guess, you're gonna somehow make a water park in the Nether."

Fennel laughed "Next is..." He trailed off, thinking "I dunno. I made the end platform, stretching over five hundred islands in all directions, I've made hundred of piston traps in the Nether and the town... I've made a secret vault that I haven't been in for two years... I'm not so sure." He smiled wistfully "I think next would be more travelling."

"You're so dramatic." Ocean smiled, slinging an arm around his shoulder "It's hot."

"That was fully homo, wasn't it?" Astaishio laughed

"I simp for only one!" Fennel said with a serious tone "And thy name is Ronald McDonald!"

"You simp over a clown?!" Wither fake gagged "Disgusting. We all know you simp over someone else!"

"says toe fetish."




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