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Fen talks about allegations to pedophilia and R!pe

"So where do we start?" Fen's screen was seen as the male was doing hardcore solitaire. He was quick with the card movements, barley a second for him to look at the card, then flipped over a new one or dragged it where it was to go. "Uh, Oh yeah! First off, I did none of that. I've been gay since I was thirteen."

"Stupidest way for him to come out as well." Wither's mumble could be picked up by the microphone.

"Anyway-" The donation sound interrupted him.

Reese donated $1! Say something to the crowd!
You lying bitch.

"Shut up!" That was the first time the chat and his friends had heard Fen sound really annoyed. "I have the talking stick now, you stupid pricks! Just Shut up! Also, thank you for the dollar, Reese!" Fen took a deep breath. "Anyway. The reason why I tell you this is because I'm a guy, yes, but also, fun fact, I started this channel when I was thirteen. I came out as gay a few months later."

The chat seemed to pause for a second, no new messages being sent through as Fen sped up with solitaire. He wanted to finish before he was done with the story.

Everest donated $10! Say something to the crowd!

"Yeah! That would make me seventeen!" Fen laughed "I'm turning eighteen in how long?"

"A month." Ocean yawned "Then I'm next."

"Then me!" Wither cheered

"I already turned." Astaishio said

It was true, they were all minors (Beside Astaishio) and living on their own, but their parents didn't mind, they were all online schooled anyway. As long as they had pitched in for the house and it was none of their parents money, they could live there.

"So doing some math, I would have been fourteen when the allegations occurred. I would have had to drive over, and I would of had to be drunk. Both of which I could not do." Fen yawned as he was close to finishing up his game "I didn't get my permit until I was fifteen." He smiled, though, his chat couldn't see it. "I get it Ally, or whatever your name was, It was a safe bet to say I was old. Nobody knew my age, and it was a low chance that I was a minor."

"He violated TOS, and that is why it was kept a secret." Ocean informed

"That was years ago, besides, Twitch loves me." Fen said with a chuckle "Yeah, I'm seventeen! Poggers!"

Astaishio laughed loudly "Was that sarcasm?!" He asked

"From the great Fen?!" Wither mockingly gasped "Never!"

Fen laughed as he finished up solitaire. "Damn." he said "I finished the truth before my game. Kinda pissed."

"Tetris!" Ocean shoved Fen to the floor, off his chair, the microphone picking up a loud thump that shook their house. "FUCK YEAH!"

"Hey! let me play!" Fen popped back up to the desk, watching as Ocean tried to speed run to ten thousand, but ultimately failing. "Watch and learn, bitch."

And so, they spent two hours on Tetris, not a single person who was there leaving. The chat was most likely processing everything still, however, they still enjoyed the family aspect the four friends shared. Ocean and Fennel were the parents, Astaishio and Wither the kids. It was evident as to how. The two parents were always fighting, and the kids just sat there, listening and watching with fascination. It was a wonder how they lived in the same house.

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