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"WE ARE HERE, CALIFORNIA!" Wither shouted

"He forgot to take his meds, didn't he?" Ocean asked as he kept a hold onto the youngest's hoodie as they walked to baggage claim.

"Yeah, he did." Fennel had to sit next to him the entire time they were flying, and Wither was a mess. "It's in his bag in claim."

As the four got their bags, two small dog cages came their way. Fennel picked them up, and set them on the ground, opening one to clip on a leash to the animal inside, collapsing the cage while giving the leash to Astaishio, doing the same with the other.

"OH!" Wither had just caught sight of them "Beans and Snacks! Snacks and beans! Beans Beans Beans Beans~"

Fennel chuckled as he picked up the rust colored Klee Kai, soon after doing the same to the Pomsky, Astaishio graciously taking Fennel's bag so it was not forgotten.

"What are we looking for again?" Ocean asked tiredly

"A sign that says 'hey losers!' probably misspelled horribly." Fennel chuckled "She has a tendency to not know proper spelling."

"Hey! Like that sign?!" Wither pointed to a neon green sign with black block letters, a female holding it with one hand and sipping a coffee in the other. She had bleach-white hair and amber eyes, much like Fennel's. from far away you could see the nose ring and the lip piercing, along with her ear rings. She was dressed in all black, combats boots and a jacket. She had the same skin as Fennel, as well as the same freckles dotting her nose.

The sign was, in fact, misspelled, saying 'Hei Loosers!' instead of how it was supposed to.

"She's the only loser here." Fennel yawned, walking over, the female catching sight of the four, lifting her black mask back up after she finished her drink

"What is up, dingbat?" She greeted Fennel "Know anymore cute girls?"

"Such a Faggot." Fennel stuck his tongue at her

"I prefer being a pile of sticks, fuck you." She smiled

"Says you. Didn't know what it meant 'till I told you the meaning." Fennel yawned through his own mask. "And to answer, no, I know zero biological or fully identifying females who are hot."

She sighed "Damn, all the real cute ones are straight, and all the mean ones are gay." She said.

"Hey Sad!" Wither cheered "How are you?!" He jumped up and down at the sight of the female, his short brown hair bouncing up and down as his grey eyes darted everywhere.

"ADHD meds forgotten?" The female known as Sad asked, her eyes crinkling in amusement "Oh- DOGS!" She also caught sight of the Pomsky and the Klee Kai in Fennel's arms. "Snacks and Beans?" She guessed, to which the dogs yipped happily "Alright, I'll play with them later, we need to get back to the house."

The four smiled as they walked to Sad's car, Fennel's height matched by the female's, the only one who could.

"So, how's bein' canceled twice?" The female asked

"About as nice as our birthday." The male replied "I cried a lot."

"I bet you're loser buddies want to sick the dogs on them." Sad said

"I don't know, S." Fennel sighed as the three ran along to the Female's pickup truck "Those three are..."

"The best people you've had in a very long time." the other finished "I know what you mean. When mom and dad split..."

"They shouldn't have taken one each." Fennel grumbled "Dad was insufferable with all the hookups he had until I moved out."

"As was mum." Sad replied "She missed you."

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