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"Fen, don't check twitter." He heard Ocean's voice through his headphones, which got him a bit worried

"What happened now?" he sighed, looking at his chat of ten thousand who wouldn't say, only telling to not go on twitter. "Fuck y'all, I'm going."

"Fen I swear, if you go on Twitter, I'm going to rip out your spine and use it as a walking cane." The colorful threat was brought forth by Astaishio, better known as Aster. "Don't you dare."

But it was too late, the male seeing the trending tag for the world that day.


People cancel Twitch and YouTube star 'Fen is kinda drunk' on allegations made on a Twitter thread.

"The fuck?" Fennel muttered with a frown "The hell did I do now?"


Ally | @Plasticeater

I have to come clean with everything that has happened years ago, seeing how he is now, I feel like I have a responsibility to inform future victims (1/7)

Ally | @Plasticeater

At the very beginning of @Feniskindadrunk 's career, I'd say about a year in, which would be about three years ago, I was a fan of his content. One out of the ten thousand. He seemed kind, and he even had a merch discord, which I was apart of (2/7)

Ally | @Plasticeater

There were very few of us, but he was close with all of us, we were like friends. I was sixteen at the time, and we had dm'd several times back and forth. Fen one day, asked for nudes. I replied with no, but he persuaded me to send at least a picture of me in my bra. (3/7)

Ally | @Plasticeater

I did, and we talked more together, about a month later, he asked again, this time with the threat of sending the picture I had sent to my parents. I liked talking in the discord, so I complied, once again. (4/7)

Ally | @Plasticeater

We spoke more, and found out that we lived an hour away from each other. I thought nothing of it at the time, and we went off on another topic. Three days later, while my parents were out, he randomly showed up at my house. He was drunk and stumbled into my house. (5/7)

Ally | @Plasticeater

I will not describe the next part, for I am still scared from it. However, I did learn that he was 21 at the time. I have stayed quiet for these yeas, thinking he would not grow. However, seeing as he has grown to over five million on Twitch and ten million on YouTube, I felt I had to warn you all. (6/7)

Ally| @Plasticeater

@Feniskindadrunk is NOT to be trusted. Please take what I say, and put it to heart. He is a monster, and I hope nobody else has had this happen by his means. I am twenty as of today, and I randomly wanted to tell what happened. it is not right that @Feniskindadrunk is free. (7/7)

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Fennel laughed. That was bullshit, but he didn't say it yet. He wanted to see if people actually believed it.

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