The Conclusion

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C was like a sister to me, I would never suspect her of keeping Dames from coming back.

Hadn't the District Attorney just signed those words to Y/N? Hadn't they literally just 'said' they wouldn't blame Celine for any of this?

C was like a sister to me...

They supposed even the closest friends could still betray you.

They hadn't meant to take control. But when Y/N closed their eyes, let themself be vulnerable, the DA would have been a fool not to take that chance. They opened their eyes, and they could feel Y/N at the back of their mind, screaming, pleading to be let out. They realized with cruel irony that this exact thing had happened to them a century ago. Trapped, alone, and begging for their friends to let them back in.

The DA saw Dark through grey eyes, and he looked mildly amused. He was amused? What was funny about this?

They glared at Dark as he smirked and said, "Welcome back, Y/N.

"...Ah, my apologies, the District Attorney. It would get confusing if I referred to the both of you as Y/N, wouldn't it?"

They rapidly signed, Let me talk to Celine.

"Now, now, you had your chance," Dark said, though his eyes were already flashing red. "Y/N already had a... talk with her."

The DA lunged at Dark, and he simply sidestepped as Celine suddenly took control. She straightened out Damien's suit as her red shadow flickered, and she said, "Y/N, I'm sorry. I just explained to you that it was impossible for you to come with us."

The DA turned back to Celine, still outraged and ready to attack at any moment. For the time being, they returned to being civil. They signed, It obviously was possible. Dark is in there. Why did you leave me there?

"Oh, please don't be like that." Celine started to cry. "We had no idea that would happen, Y/N. If we knew, we might have—"

Might have? Might have?! The DA was about to explode. Why didn't you, then? Dark formed as soon as you two kicked me out, why didn't you put me back in?!

"Y/N, I—"

No! No, Celine, shut up. The DA took a step toward her, disregarding Dark's aura that whirled ever faster at their action. You said you were afraid of destroying me. I... I don't believe that. You were afraid, all right, but not of what would happen to me.

Celine was about to speak again, but the DA took another step and she was unable to say anything through the aura swirling faster around her. You were afraid of me. You were afraid of me and what I could have done to you and Damien.

Celine was able to shout "No!" as the DA took another step and Dark's aura became a tornado. It swirled not only around Damien's body but around the entire studio, upending Bim's podiums, Wilford's armchairs, and even the Jim's entire stage managed to lift off of the ground a bit.

You were afraid that the House would have followed me.

At these signed words Dark's aura became truly out of control, and Celine screamed and sobbed as she ducked out of the way of a television prompter, "Yes, yes, I was afraid! I was afraid that the House would have gotten you, gotten me, gotten Damien! I already went through Hell and back from that House, and I was afraid that I would have to do it all again! I'm sorry, Y/N!"

The DA was shocked and angry that their conclusion was correct. The storm died down as they stepped forward again. ... You kept Damien from taking control. From coming back for me.

Celine was still crying. Her voice was barely above a whisper, and had it not been for the echo the DA might never have heard her apology. "Yes, I did, and I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of what I did, Y/N. I told Damien that his body wouldn't be stable enough. I lied to him, I lied to my brother. By the time I realized my mistake, Dark took control and we were led here. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for not fighting harder, for not trying to go back."

The DA's anger had subsided, and it was replaced with guilt. What was wrong with them, to forget the time that Celine had also spent there? To forget that she, too, had suffered in that House?

Celine's eyes and shadow flashed blue as Damien took control. He looked up at the DA through teary eyes. "She... Celine lied? But..."

Damien shook his head. "I really believed her. I really believed I was protecting you, Y/N. All those years, and I thought... "

He sniffed and cried harder, and the DA stepped forward again, now directly in front of Damien. "I'm sorry Y/N. I never knew, I never thought about why we left you there after Celine told me that lie. Oh God, that must have been horrible for you, Y/N, I feel awful knowing that we could have done something, that I could have done something, I—"

The DA hugged Damien tight, tears silently streaking their face. Dark's aura stopped swirling around and enveloped them, as the DA pulled back and laid a hand on Damien's cheek. They signed, I'm not mad anymore. I... I don't think I'll ever be able to fully forgive Celine for what she did. But I understand why she did it, and for now I'll forget about it. You did nothing wrong, Dames. So stop crying, you big doof, I'm afraid you'll get dehydrated. I know that your body never seems to have enough water.

Damien laughed as he wiped the tears from his face and the DA smiled. "Alright, alright. I'll calm down. If it makes you stop worrying, friend."

They silently giggled, which made Damien laugh harder, and the two of them were still laughing and crying when Dark and Y/N regained control.

They actually calmed down as Y/N backed away. Dark's aura bagan moving again, as he quickly wiped his face and said, "Well."

Y/N looked around at the trashed studio and parroted, "Well?"


There was silence for a few minutes as they stood there, soaking in all of this new information. Dark finally said, "I apologize. I suppose I was... mistaken as to why the twins stayed away from the House."

Y/N shook their head and replied, "I should be the one saying sorry, Dark. I got angry, we lashed out. I made Wilford's studio a war zone, for God's sake."

Dark looked up at Y/N, who's eyes were back to their normal color, albeit red and puffy from crying. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Y/N. Your anger, as well as the District Attorney's, was understandable, and as for this mess.... It wasn't your fault, it was mine. Or, technically speaking, it was Celine's. Either way, you are not in the wrong."

Dark was smiling a bit as he said this, but something dawned on him and he frowned. He said, "You remembered the District Attorney's past life. Do you...?"

Y/N knew what Dark wanted to ask, as they bowed their head and quietly answered, "I... I died. I ju— I fell off of a bridge and died, I think that's what caused this whole mess."

They could tell that Dark heard what they were about to confess, as he smiled reassuringly and said, "We are pleased to have you here, now, Y/N. I promise, we wouldn't dare let you leave now that you are... one of us."

Y/N looked back up at Dark to see him extending a hand, and they took it as they left the messy studio and didn't look back.

Instead they looked forward, toward a crowd of new friends, new family, and a new life.

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