The Dance

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Y/N was awake and back in their color-devoid bedroom. They were still facedown on the bed, and dressed in their clothes from yesterday.

Y/N flipped over and stared at the ceiling. It was about time that they at least tried to put some puzzle pieces together.

So 'Dames' was a friend of theirs... No. A friend of someone with the same name as them. That was apparent from the... memory? Vision? ...Whatever they just saw proved that.

But what about the photograph? Was that not Y/N's exact features on the person standing beside 'Dames?'

Y/N hopped off the bed and began to pace around in thought. They were thinking so hard that they were unable to hear the distance scream of "I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP 'CUZ O' Y'ALL, Y'ALL NOT GONNA GET NO SLEEP 'CUZ O' ME!!!" from Bing's speakers.

Other Y/N was deaf. No, mute. They were mute. Was that why Y/N couldn't scream in the nightmare? Were they other Y/N for a time?

As much as they hated to, they needed to think about the reflection. The reflection from the nightmare looked identical to Dames, except...

Y/N facepalmed. The reflection had grey skin. 'Dames' had the same colored skin as...

Y/N stopped pacing in momentary shock. 'Damien' was the same color as all of the Ipliers. And now that Y/N really thought about it, he had the same basic structure as them. The hair, the eyes, the jaw. He looked almost identical to them.

Maybe... maybe he was an ego? But as Y/N started pacing again they tossed that thought aside. If 'Dames' was an ego, they would have seen him yesterday. And they didn't, which meant that 'Dames' wasn't here.

Y/N sighed as they sat back down, only somewhat satisfied with their conclusions. The reflection wasn't 'Dames,' and they weren't the one in the photo. This other Y/N was mute, and they were good friends with 'Dames.' And Y/N was still terrified of the reflection.

Y/N sat back on the bed again, but not before glancing at the alarm clock sitting on the dresser. ...was it there before?

The time read 1:48 am. ...Huh. Y/N could hear Bing and his obnoxious remix now, and they wondered why in the world they were out in the Manor at this hour.

Before they could open the door to tell him off, Bing burst open the door himself and assaulted Y/N with whatever was now playing out of their speakers.


...What was the robotic equivalent of drunk? Because that's what Bing seemed to be right now.

Y/N could do nothing but follow Bing as he pretty much dragged them out of their room. They led them outside.

...Great, it was raining.

Bing turned down his volume a lot. Y/N was surprised, they thought Bing was going to make them permanently deaf, not temporarily.

He still kept on that kazoo cover of Megolovania, though.

Y/N had to ask, "Bing, are you... drunk?" as they stumbled closer and closer to Y/N.

"Nah, dude, I think I'm just low on juice. It happens." He shrugged.

Y/N just sighed and attempted to push Bing back inside, before they either died, attracted lightning, or electrocuted Y/N. But the android was like a fucking boulder. Bing didn't move an inch as he asked, "Bruh, what're ya doin'?"

Y/N would have found it hilarious in any other situation that Bing gained somewhat of a southern accent when he's low on charge, but right now they were focussed on getting them back to the workshop. "I am trying... to get you... back inside—!"

Y/N tumbled and fell into the now muddy ground. Bing helped them up with a startling amount of strength, and they twirled Y/N around as he said, "Nah, dude, I'm gonna hafta pass. C'mon, dance with me!"

Bing stopped the kazoo cover and put on some type of tango music. He started moving Y/N along, and they didn't resist. Y/N figured if Bing wasn't going back inside, they might as well have some fun while they were out here.

They danced for a bit, and Y/N laughed as Bing wiggled their eyebrows and dipped them. He brought them back up and twirled them again before letting them go.

"Thank ya, dude, I've been meanin' to test that new program out for a while."

Y/N giggled at Bing's now heavier accent, and they started to really laugh again as Bing joined in. The two of them stood there, laughing in the rain, for the rest of the night.

In a Manor of SpeakingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz