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"The Host turned another page of his notebook and continued to scribble out ideas for his radio show. His mind was elsewhere, however, as he wondered for the twelfth time this morning how Y/N got here."

The sunlight was just beginning to stream through Host's window. The light illuminated the very spot where Host sat at his desk, and the various neat stacks of notebooks piled up next to it. Not that he needed it—he was blind, after all, and what blind person needs the light to see in the dark?

The Host's office was fairly small, and he had only just managed to squeeze in an armchair and a few bookshelves. One shelf was dedicated solely to his novels and, occasionally, some of his other brothers' works (Bim managed to create a cookbook but it never gained traction, for obvious reasons...). The other contained multiple horror and science-fiction books, which were Host's favorite genres by far. Some of them inspired stories for his radio show, and others were just enjoyable to read. All of the books on the two shelves were printed in Braille, of course.

"The Host reviews the events of earlier this morning in an attempt to make sense of the situation. Y/N had woken up in the very center of the Iplier's backyard at precisely 6:58, with no memories of their previous life. Bingiplier felt compelled to check the yard as he was taking their early morning jog around the Manor, and to his surprise there was something out there."

Host never understood why Bing did that. He was an android, and was crafted in excellent condition. Therefore there was no need for them to jog everyday. Perhaps it helped keep rust under control?

And Bing being 'compelled' to look outside wasn't completely true. Host may or may not have given him a nudge in the right direction.

"Bingiplier met Y/N and took them to see Googleplier in the workshop. Neither of them knew how Y/N got to the Manor, and both thought that Googleplier might have some answers.

"Googleplier did not have an answer to Y/N's question, as he was intent on catching and killing them instead. They chased Y/N around the Manor, eventually trapping them against a wall. Luckily, the Host and Dr. Iplier were near the two, and saved Y/N before things turned ugly.

"Y/N introduced themselves and explained what had happened. Dr. Iplier offered to help and he, Googleplier, Bingiplier, and Y/N ventured towards the clinic. The Host bid them farewell, as he had work to attend to."

Host frowned as he stopped writing and ran a hand through his hair. It wouldn't hurt to see what they were up to now. It could potentially help him solve this mystery.

Host inhaled as the clinic emerged before him. Y/N looked tense and nervous, and everyone else in the room had their eyebrows raised. "Y/N waited with bated breath as Googleplier, Bingiplier, Dr. Iplier and now Bim Trimmer looked at them in bewilderment. There was an off chance that was a possibility, and the four 'brothers' considered it for a moment before letting logic take the lead. All of Fischbach's creations remember their past lives before materializing at the Manor. And they all appeared at the front door, rather than in the backyard."

Host frowned deeper. Had Y/N really thought that they were a new 'ego'? They looked nothing like Fischbach, not to mention they couldn't remember anything. His 'brothers' were right: new egos usually showed up at the front door, very confused but knowing exactly where they were beforehand.

Host was still stumped. He backed out of the clinic vision before resting his forehead on the desk with a small 'bonk.' He had tried doing something similar when he inquired about what Y/N was doing previously to showing up at the Manor, but all he saw was black. However, on the seven occasions this morning that he tried doing that, the darkness was one different from the usual resting color. The black seemed to suck up all the light available in the atmosphere, an abyss that stretched for an infinite number of miles.

Host replayed the morning's events for the thirteenth time. "The Host reviews the events of earlier this morning in an attempt to make sense of the situation. Y/N had woken up in the very center of the Iplier's backyard at precisely 6:58, with no memories of their previous life. Bingiplier..."

Wait. That was it! Y/N didn't remember anything from before, in the physical sense, at least. But it was possible that...

Host suddenly sat up, an idea and vision fresh in his mind. "Y/N had woken up in the very center of the Iplier's backyard at precisely 6:58, with no memories of their previous life. They did clearly remember, however, the lucid dream that they were jolted awake from."

And so Host jumped straight into the nightmare, encountering the vast blackness for the eighth time. He witnessed the murder and experienced the pain before turning to the mirror.


Host recognized the reflection.

In a Manor of SpeakingWhere stories live. Discover now