The Memory

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While Dr. Iplier finished with Host's bandages, the group outside chatted. Well, it was mostly Yan asking Y/N a bunch of questions about themself, and Yancy and Bing repeatedly telling them that they didn't remember anything, did no one listen to Bing anymore—?

The door opened and the group moved out of Host's way. He smiled and waved at Y/N before leaving, and Y/N smiled politely back even though he couldn't really see it. Yancy, Yan, Bing, and Y/N entered the clinic.

Y/N felt a little nervous, their knuckles white from holding the photograph so tightly. They knew a name now, they could get some memories back, but why did they feel like this was going to go wrong?

Dr. Iplier came over to the group, having finished cleaning up the area where he was working on Host. He smiled tiredly and asked, "All right, before I start I'm going to need that name."

Y/N handed over the photo, hoping that it could explain for them. They handed it to the doctor face down, so he saw the writing first. He looked at it, muttering the words aloud, and turned it over. His face fell. "What in the... is that...?"

Dr. Iplier looked from the real Y/N to the Y/N in the photograph a few times before Y/N nodded. "I don't understand it either. I'm hoping that I will after we try again."

The doctor took a deep breath. "Of course. Let me grab something real quick."

He came back a few seconds later with a stack of pillows. Y/N, as well as the trio of other egos, looked confused. "I did some research before Host was scheduled to come in, and I think this should work better than what we tried earlier."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "I thought you had 'extensive medical knowledge,' Dr.?"

He flushed and replied, "Yeah, well, I'm no expert in quack doctoring." He clapped a hand to his mouth before removing it and adding, "I'm sorry, I've been so stressed lately, I didn't mean to snap at you—"

Bing cut Dr. Iplier off. "Bruh, it's fine, we can leave if you want us to, Doc."

He just shook his head. "No, no, I've already committed to it, we might as well continue."

The doctor had Y/N lay down on one of the hospital beds, telling them to "make themself comfortable!" So that was what the pillows were for.

Dr. Iplier started speaking in a low, soothing voice. "Close your eyes for me. Take a deep breath, try to relax."

There was a burst of laughter from the group watching the two, and Y/N opened their eyes again to find Bing doubled over, and Yan leaning on Yancy. The doctor was glaring at all of them.

"BWAHAHAHA!!! Doc, what are you DOING—?!"

"Yeah, Doc, are youse tryin' ta seduce dem's or somedin'—?"

"Oh my God, Doc, this is looks mad sus—"

"If you three don't shut, the, HELL, up, I will banish you from ever entering this room again. I don't care if you're out there wailing and screaming, I will not help you."

The trio stopped laughing.

"Thank God." Dr. Iplier turned back to Y/N, "This is embarrassing. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable, Y/N, this is... new territory for me. You can have them leave if you want."

Y/N shook their head. "It's alright, sir. They're my emotional support goons, they can stay." All three of them beamed as Y/N closed their eyes.

The doctor went through the process of hypnosis again, and this time it felt a little more real. He actually got Y/N into a trance, and at the exact moment Dr. Iplier mentioned 'Dames' Y/N fell into a memory.

They were experiencing it firsthand, like they were standing there in real time. Was this supposed to happen? Were they supposed to be feeling the summer sun on their skin, the light breeze through their hair? Were they supposed to be seeing the Manor before them in such vivid detail?

They looked down, as they felt something in their hand. They held it up and examined it: it was a small envelope, with a broken, gold-colored seal. Apparently they had already seen what was inside, but it couldn't hurt to look again. They opened the envelope and found a card, an invitation of sorts, that read, "You've been cordially invited to Poker Night at Markiplier Manor, July 26, 1919, at 7 pm," and below it was the address and Y/N's name. Their full name. How could they have forgotten their last name, it was so easy to remember!

They examined their hands and found a watch on their right wrist. It was an analog clock, and the time read 6:55 pm. They were right on time, it seemed.

Y/N looked back up towards the Manor's magnificent front doors. There was someone at the top of the steps leading to them, wearing a sort of safari uniform. As Y/N approached, the person turned around and said, "Oh, bully! And here I thought I was gonna be the last guest to arrive. My friends call me the Colonel, you're welcome to do the same, should it please you." They bowed before stepping aside. "But, uh, after you!"

Y/N opened their mouth to say thank you, but found they couldn't speak. They just smiled politely then, hoping the thank-you message got across to this Colonel. As they passed them to open the doors, Y/N felt... uneasy. There was something familiar in the twinkle of the Colonel's eyes, the twitch of their mustache, the drawl of their accent.

Y/N shrugged it off as they were greeted by a butler in the foyer. "Ah, bonjour! Welcome to Markiplier Manor! Your invitation, please." They handed over the envelope and the butler said "Very good, very good! Right this way," before leading them further into the manor. "Good luck at the table tonight, I shall fetch you a drink forthwith."

The butler left to grab Y/N's drink, and in his place stood two people deep in conversation. One wore a trench coat and detective's hat, and the other...

Y/N froze. It was the reflection.

It was wearing a pin that read 'Mayor' in neat cursive, and there was a white rose pinned to it's suit. It was also holding a cane, but it wasn't leaning on it.

A chill went down Y/N's spine as the reflection turned to them, smiling, and said, "Ah, there you are, old friend! How are you settling into your new office? Now I know it'll take some getting used to, but there's no one I would rather have alongside me to protect this great city of ours."

Y/N started to black out as the reflection continued, "Now, I'll see you at the table soon, but try not to rob me blind again. We'll catch up..."

Y/N screamed as they woke up back in the clinic.

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