The Workshop

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The person inched ever closer to Y/N as they studied their features. They were obviously part Asian, and seemed to have a pep in their step despite acting like Y/N was a large spider. Their black tank top clung tight to their torso, and the word "bing" written across it seemed to glow slightly. Their orange Crocs clashed horribly with their blue jeans (and honestly the rest of their outfit). Their hair was parted to the left, and it was the same shade of black as the reflection's. As they looked up at the person's face, Y/N noticed that they were also wearing a bright orange pair of sunglasses.

Y/N must have been staring, or otherwise looking at them for too long, because the person was right in front of Y/N now. The person waved a hand in front of them and said, "Yo, uh, Earth to... whoever you are! Hey, you alive in there?"

Y/N shook their head. "Ugh, sorry. My brain is still a little foggy. Um... where am I?"

The person looked surprised. "You mean you don't know how you got here? You're sitting in the middle of our backyard, dude."

'Our?' This person must live with someone else then. Or multiple someones.

Before Y/N could ask about it, the person asked them, "Do you remember anything at all?"

Y/N shook their head again. "No. Except my name, it's... Y/N. It's nice to meet you! Though this really isn't the best situation to meet someone new in..."

The person chuckled and replied, "I feel you. My name's Bingiplier, you can call me Bing, though. And I totally agree. I would've liked to meet you on the street or something instead of catching you trespassing, dude."

Y/N's common sense seemed to re-enter their brain as they jumped up, startling Bing. "Oh my god! I am trespassing, aren't I? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean, I don't even know how I got here but—"

Bing interrupted their rambling. "Dude, oh my god, chill. It's fine, I promise! We're not gonna ****ing kill you or anything. You don't see any 'keep off the grass' signs, do you?"

Y/N was a little spooked by the censor noise that came out of Bing's mouth. They must have noticed Y/N's surprise because they said, "Oh ****. Yeah, I uh... I'm an android. I've got a kid-friendly feature installed, that's why I made that noise. I don't know why though, to be honest Google is, like, ten times better programmed for kids than me."

"Google? Are they an android too?"

"Yeah," Bing explained. "Y'know, like the search engine? I'm named after a search engine, too. A better one, in fact..." Bing puffed out his chest, in a comical sort of manner. They looked similar to a proud peacock.

Y/N honestly didn't believe Bing. But Y/N reminded themselves that they were currently on Bing's lawn, trespassing, and decided not to question it now.

"Hey, I know! Maybe we could go see him! He might know why you lost your memories, dude. Or at least, why you're here without them."

Bing brought up a good point. Google sounds like they could search up something: if their name meant anything, it was that they could use the search engine to research. Although...

"Why don't you do it, Bing?" Y/N asked. "Not to be rude, or anything, but you're similar to Google, are you not? And didn't you just say you were better than them, anyway?"

Y/N couldn't help but smirk as Bing tried to make up excuses to not do some work. They sensed that Bing didn't like their job. Y/N sighed and shook their head, an amused smile slowly creeping onto their face. "Go on, then, Bing, lead the way. I can't deny that I would like to meet this 'Google.' "

Bing looked relieved to not be researching. Bing grabbed their hand and suddenly took off towards a building in the distance, tugging Y/N gently behind them.

~ ꕤꕤꕤꕤꕤ ~

Y/N believed Bing now.

After leading them through what seemed to be a maze of hallways, Bing had finally stopped in front of a large steel door. They hadn't really spoken during the journey, and Y/N was happy to see that they had, apparently, arrived at their destination. It was opened via a handprint scan, which Bing gladly demonstrated. They did need to get in, after all.

Bing pressed their hand to the door, and the surrounding area let off a sort of golden glow. The glow pulsated a bit before turning green, and the door slid open. Bing smirked and looked over their shoulder at Y/N, pleased with their awed expression. They entered through the door, and Y/N had no choice but to follow them.

The room behind the steel door was a workshop of sorts. Pieces of metal were strewn everywhere, but in an organized sort of way. Controlled chaos, if you will. Several welding and engineering tools lined the back wall, as well as two ceiling-height shelves filled with cardboard boxes, smaller tools, and large plastic tubs. The walls weren't grey, though, which Y/N wasn't expecting. Instead, they were a sickeningly bright orange, almost like the traffic cone color. It pained Y/N to even squint at it, and so they resorted to looking at literally anything else in the room.

Against the left side of the shop, two—Y/N was going to guess they were charging stations—sat, waiting patiently for their owners to use them again. One of the stations was plastered all over in... were those fruit stickers? Bing had quite the collection there.

On the right side, and closer to the entrance of the shop, was a security set-up of sorts. Multiple monitors were attached to the wall, and two wheelie chairs were sitting in front of a long, black desk. One of the chairs was currently occupied, and as the occupant swiveled around to face the newcomers, Y/N could only assume that this was the fabled Google.

Google looked... exactly like Bing, actually. But at the same time, they looked completely different. Google had the same facial and bodily features as Bing, and the same skin tone, but instead he wore a blue t-shirt with the Google 'G.' It glowed slightly, like the 'bing' on Bing's tank top. Google had on a pair of jeans, a bit baggier and worn-in than what Bing had on, and they had the sense to wear actual shoes instead of Crocs. Their hair was parted to the right, though, and Google had on regular glasses instead of shades. Did robots even need glasses? Shouldn't they be programmed with perfect vision?

Y/N figured now was not the time to ask that question, glancing once at Google's sourly surprised expression before shuffling a bit behind Bing. They had a feeling Google was not happy to see a new person in their room, especially since they seemed knee-deep in some paperwork at the desk behind them.

"H-Hey Googs, what 'cha up to—"

"Why is there a human in our workshop?"

It seemed like Google didn't waste any time in getting to the point, which must have caught Bing off guard. Bing looked like a fish out of water, hesitating and obviously trying to come up with a quick explanation for this.

Y/N decided that they did not want to wait in awkward silence. They had had enough of that on the way here, and resolved to be as straightforward as Google.

They took a deep breath to calm their nerves. "Hello, my name is Y/N. I'm really, really sorry for bothering you, you look very busy and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to listen to me."

'God, you sound like you're writing an email to your superior.'

"I, uh, I'm not sure how I ended up here, honestly. The only thing I remember is my name. Bing said something about you being an expert researcher? I was hoping that maybe you could help me figure out why my memories are gone. And possibly how I ended up on your lawn."

Bing raised an eyebrow, but ultimately kept quiet. Y/N was thankful for that: they felt that Google would be more willing to help them if they made a good first impression, even if they were laying it on a bit thick.

They were wrong.

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