The Confrontation

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Y/N thought the Colonel looked familiar. As they opened their eyes, they recognized the twinkle of William's eyes, and the twitch of his mustache that was very close to their face.

"Say, I didn't think you'd be that quick, gumdrop!"

Wilford pulled them up from their position beside the armchair, as Dark brushed nonexistent dirt from his suit and said, "They aren't, Warfstache. You are lucky that I decided to enter at that time, Y/N. Otherwise there would have been some... complications."

Y/N stood away from Wilford and gazed curiously at Dark. They whispered, "Damien..."

Dark and Wilford turned their heads quickly to Y/N. "What did you say, sugar?"

Wilford looked... sad. But just a bit. If Y/N hadn't known that mentioning his old friend would make him that way, they wouldn't have noticed the slight faltering of his smile or the very tips of his mustache turning brown.

Dark remained impassive as he told Wilford, "Warfstache, go put your gun up. I would like a word with my D—our guest."

If Wilford heard Dark's slip-up, he didn't make it known. He simply pouted, crossed his arms, and headed for his room.

It was just the two of them in the studio now. Y/N found this odd, as they were sure that Bim or the twins should be in here.

Dark's question cleared things up a bit. "Did anything happen in the few moments that you were... out?"

Y/N was unsure whether or not they should tell him—them. Whether they should tell them . They knew now that Damien and Celine were in there. Perhaps Y/N should tell them that they knew.

They repeated, this time louder, "Damien."

Y/N watched Dark for a reaction, and was surprised to see his eyes flash blue. If they remembered correctly, which they were sure they did, Damien appeared to them in a blue light after they died. Maybe Damien was trying to come forward?

Dark made no mention of whatever just happened to him, and instead chuckled. "Y/N, are you alright? That wasn't a clear answer. Perhaps we need to move you to the doctor's—"

Y/N had made up their mind. They were going to tell Damien and Celine directly that they remembered what they did. They tried his name again as they cut Dark off. " Damien. "

Dark growled as his eyes flickered between black, blue, and red. Shadows that looked like 3D effects appeared behind him, and the blue ones stayed as Dark gave a jolt and his eyes turned the same color.

Damien spoke, his voice almost echoing that of Dark's. "Y/N?"

He stumbled forward with a mixed expression of curiosity and melancholy. He reached out, almost as if he were trying to make sure Y/N was real, but they backed away.

"Damien, why?"

He froze. Damien whispered, "Y/N, I'm so sorry, I wanted to come back, I didn't—"

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